A docker image with GraalVM, OpenJDK, Maven and Git
Beggining with GraalVM 20.0.0, there will be 2 diferent versions (tags) of this image: java8 (remains as the latest tag ) and java11 Therefore, you can docker pull raonigabriel/graalvm-playground:21.1.0-java8 or raonigabriel/graalvm-playground:21.1.0-java11
From 21.1.0 onwards, Node.js no longer comes pre-installed with GraalVM. You may install it using gu install nodejs.
- Based on debian:stretch-slim
- GraalVM CE 21.1.0
- OpenJDK 8u292 or OpenJDK 11.0.11
- Maven 3.6.3
- Git 2.11.0
- Upx 3.91
Best used if you mount your home to /root, as follows:
$ docker run --rm -v ~/:/root -it raonigabriel/graalvm-playground /bin/bash
root@be7deb9a56de:~# mvn --version
This image is just a playground, a toy: it is not supposed to run serious stuff.