When FEATURE_GPS is enabled the display will show the GPS screen to show all information relative to the local GPS.
- Sat: Numbers of satellites
- Fix: "Y" indicates possition fixed, and "N" indicate no fix.
- Pos: LAT/LON Position (degrees only).
- Spd: GPS speed
- GC: Ground Course
- RX: Count of received packets
- ERRs: Count of packets with errors
- Dt: Time elapsed (milliseconds) until receiving new data
- TOs: Count of timeouts.
And finally, it shows a line where each symbol represents the status of lays packets received:
- ?: Packet has errors
- !: Packet has been ignored
- >: Packet has been skipped
- g: NMEA GGA packet received
- r: NMEA RMC packet received
- O: UBLOX SOL packet received
- S: UBLOX STATUS packet received
- I: UBLOX VSINFO packet received
- P: UBLOX PSLLH packet received
- V: UBLOX VELNED packet received