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rednblkx edited this page Jul 1, 2024 · 14 revisions

1. Configuration

Starting with version 0.3, a web interface has been implemented and so all configuration will be done from there after flashing. See WebUI for more information

If you are looking to define default values, see the Old Setup page for information about the config.h file and compilation.

2. Flashing

Firmware binaries are available on the releases page and come in three files as follows:

  • firmware_merged.bin - this is to be flashed with at offset 0x0
  • firmware.bin - this is meant for OTA or to be flashed with at offset 0x20000 (app0) and 0x200000 (app1)
  • littlefs.bin - this includes the HTML files for the Web Interface and needs to be flashed on offset 0x3e0000 or OTA with, more info about OTA here

When updating, it's recommended to do it via OTA as HomeSpan contains some checks to assure it's at least a somewhat valid image.


In order to flash the firmware is recommended to use esptool that you can get from here or install through Python's PIP with the command pip install esptool

If you are flashing a new device use the command: python write_flash 0x0 <firmware_merged.bin>

If you are updating a device use the command: python write_flash 0x20000 <firmware.bin> 0x200000 <firmware.bin> 0x3e0000 <littlefs.bin>

If you are encountering issues with the firmware at start e.g. reset loops, try erasing the flash with python erase_flash and flash again the firmware, if that's not helping, reach out on the Discord server


From version 0.3, HomeSpan is configured to autostart an Access Point and can be used as follows:

  • Connect to the Wifi network "HomeSpan-Setup" with the password homespan and after a couple seconds it should automatically open up the page where you can configure the Wifi credentials, alternatively once connected to the AP you can access the page manually on

4. HomeKit

The pairing code is the default 466-37-726 from the HomeSpan library that can be found in their documentation here. This can be changed when configuring WiFi through the Access Point, from the Web UI accessible on port 80 or from the serial terminal using command S <setup code>. Modifying config.h won't change the setup code directly but will provide a default to be shown on the Web UI.

4.1 Home Key Share

Currently Home Key does not implement any sharing functionality and the only option for others to have the same level of access to your lock(a.k.a have the key in the wallet) is to invite them into your Apple Home, you can find more information about this on Apple's support page.

This may change with the launch of iOS 18 and the introduction of the announced "Guest Access" feature, not sure if this includes Home Key but evidence on the Matter side of things suggest it is.

For any informations regarding the HomeKit implementation not related to the Home Key feature, visit HomeSpan's documentation here

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