retroasm allows you to assemble programs retro computer systems.
The project is at an early stage of development and currently supports:
- Supports 6502 CPU and Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) as target
- Can process asm6/ca65/nesasm compatible assembly files
- Supports undocumented 6502 CPU opcodes
- Support includes
- More testing of asm6 support
- More testing of nesasm support
- Test with larger projects
The tool uses a modern software stack that does not have any system dependencies beside requiring a somewhat modern operating system to run:
- Linux: 2.6.32+
- Windows: 10+
- macOS: 10.15 Catalina+
There are 2 options to install retroasm:
- Download and unpack a binary release from Releases
- Compile the latest release from source:
go install
Assembler a ROM using a ca65 configuration:
retroasm -c test.cfg -o test.nes test.asm
usage: retroasm [options] <file to assemble>
-c string
assembler config file
enable debug logging
-o string
name of the output file
-q perform operations quietly