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Pizza Party!

This week's data is from Jared Lander and Barstool Sports via Tyler Richards.

Credit for this week's concept goes to Ludmila who did a recent dataviz presentation and gave shoutouts to both #tidytuesday and a pizza dataset!

Check out her DataViz video and slides at her GitHub

Jared's data is from top NY pizza restaurants, with a 6 point likert scale survey on ratings. The Barstool sports dataset has critic, public, and the Barstool Staff's rating as well as pricing, location, and geo-location. There are 22 pizza places that overlap between the two datasets.

If you want to look more at geo-location of pizza places, checkout this one from DataFiniti. This includes 10000 pizza places, their price ranges and geo-locations.

Get the data!

pizza_jared <- readr::read_csv("")
pizza_barstool <- readr::read_csv("")
pizza_datafiniti <- readr::read_csv("")

Data Dictionary


variable class description
polla_qid integer Quiz ID
answer character Answer (likert scale)
votes integer Number of votes for that question/answer combo
pollq_id integer Poll Question ID
question character Question
place character Pizza Place
time integer Time of quiz
total_votes integer Total number of votes for that pizza place
percent double Vote percent of total for that pizza place


variable class description
name character Pizza place name
address1 character Pizza place address
city character City
zip double Zip
country character Country
latitude double Latitude
longitude double Longitude
price_level double Price rating (fewer $ = cheaper, more $$$ = expensive)
provider_rating double Provider review score
provider_review_count double Provider review count
review_stats_all_average_score double Average Score
review_stats_all_count double Count of all reviews
review_stats_all_total_score double Review total score
review_stats_community_average_score double Community average score
review_stats_community_count double community review count
review_stats_community_total_score double community review total score
review_stats_critic_average_score double Critic average score
review_stats_critic_count double Critic review count
review_stats_critic_total_score double Critic total score
review_stats_dave_average_score double Dave (Barstool) average score
review_stats_dave_count double Dave review count
review_stats_dave_total_score double Dave total score


variable class description
name character Pizza place
address character Address
city character City
country character Country
province character State
latitude double Latitude
longitude double Longitude
categories character Restaurant category
price_range_min double Price range min
price_range_max double Price range max

Cleaning Script


# Get barstool data off github
pizza_raw <- read_csv("")

pizza_cooked <- pizza_raw %>% 
  select(name, address1, city, zip, country, latitude, longitude, priceLevel, 
         providerRating, providerReviewCount, 
         reviewStats.all.averageScore:reviewStats.dave.totalScore) %>% 

# Get jared data off his website (json)

url <- ""

jared_pizza <- fromJSON(readLines(url), flatten = TRUE) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 

write_csv(jared_pizza, here::here("2019", "2019-10-01", "pizza_jared.csv"))

write_csv(pizza_cooked, here::here("2019", "2019-10-01", "pizza_barstool.csv"))