This week's data is from Jared Lander and Barstool Sports via Tyler Richards.
Credit for this week's concept goes to Ludmila who did a recent dataviz presentation and gave shoutouts to both #tidytuesday
and a pizza dataset!
Check out her DataViz video and slides at her GitHub
Jared's data is from top NY pizza restaurants, with a 6 point likert scale survey on ratings. The Barstool sports dataset has critic, public, and the Barstool Staff's rating as well as pricing, location, and geo-location. There are 22 pizza places that overlap between the two datasets.
If you want to look more at geo-location of pizza places, checkout this one from DataFiniti. This includes 10000 pizza places, their price ranges and geo-locations.
pizza_jared <- readr::read_csv("")
pizza_barstool <- readr::read_csv("")
pizza_datafiniti <- readr::read_csv("")
variable | class | description |
polla_qid | integer | Quiz ID |
answer | character | Answer (likert scale) |
votes | integer | Number of votes for that question/answer combo |
pollq_id | integer | Poll Question ID |
question | character | Question |
place | character | Pizza Place |
time | integer | Time of quiz |
total_votes | integer | Total number of votes for that pizza place |
percent | double | Vote percent of total for that pizza place |
variable | class | description |
name | character | Pizza place name |
address1 | character | Pizza place address |
city | character | City |
zip | double | Zip |
country | character | Country |
latitude | double | Latitude |
longitude | double | Longitude |
price_level | double | Price rating (fewer $ = cheaper, more $$$ = expensive) |
provider_rating | double | Provider review score |
provider_review_count | double | Provider review count |
review_stats_all_average_score | double | Average Score |
review_stats_all_count | double | Count of all reviews |
review_stats_all_total_score | double | Review total score |
review_stats_community_average_score | double | Community average score |
review_stats_community_count | double | community review count |
review_stats_community_total_score | double | community review total score |
review_stats_critic_average_score | double | Critic average score |
review_stats_critic_count | double | Critic review count |
review_stats_critic_total_score | double | Critic total score |
review_stats_dave_average_score | double | Dave (Barstool) average score |
review_stats_dave_count | double | Dave review count |
review_stats_dave_total_score | double | Dave total score |
variable | class | description |
name | character | Pizza place |
address | character | Address |
city | character | City |
country | character | Country |
province | character | State |
latitude | double | Latitude |
longitude | double | Longitude |
categories | character | Restaurant category |
price_range_min | double | Price range min |
price_range_max | double | Price range max |
# Get barstool data off github
pizza_raw <- read_csv("")
pizza_cooked <- pizza_raw %>%
select(name, address1, city, zip, country, latitude, longitude, priceLevel,
providerRating, providerReviewCount,
reviewStats.all.averageScore:reviewStats.dave.totalScore) %>%
# Get jared data off his website (json)
url <- ""
jared_pizza <- fromJSON(readLines(url), flatten = TRUE) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
write_csv(jared_pizza, here::here("2019", "2019-10-01", "pizza_jared.csv"))
write_csv(pizza_cooked, here::here("2019", "2019-10-01", "pizza_barstool.csv"))