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Southern Magnolia tree in urban San Francisco

San Francisco Trees

The data this week comes from San Francisco's open data portal.

There are dozens of tree species, and many other intresting features to explore in this dataset! I did drop a few columns that were either > 75% missing or redundant, feel free to check out the source for the fully original dataset.

Also - make sure to follow @tidypod - they'll have some interesting #TidyTuesday updates to come this week!

Some interesting articles:

Get the data here

# Get the Data

sf_trees <- readr::read_csv('')

# Or read in with tidytuesdayR package (
# PLEASE NOTE TO USE 2020 DATA YOU NEED TO UPDATE tidytuesdayR from GitHub

# Either ISO-8601 date or year/week works!

# Install via pak::pak("dslc-io/tidytuesdayR")

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2020-01-28') 
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2020, week = 5)

sf_trees <- tuesdata$sf_trees

Data Dictionary


A full data dictionary is available at: the source but it's fairly sparse.

variable class description
tree_id double Unique ID
legal_status character LegalLegal staus: Permitted or DPW maintained
species character Tree species includes common name after the :: separator
address character Street Address
site_order double Order of tree at address where multiple trees are at same address. Trees are ordered in ascending
address order
site_info character Site Info - Where the tree resides
caretaker character Agency or person that is primary caregiver to tree -- Owner of Tree
date double Date Planted (NA if before 1955)
dbh double Diameter at breast height
plot_size character Dimension of plot - typically in feet
latitude double Latitude
longitude double Longitude

Cleaning Script



raw_df <- read_csv(here::here("2020", "2020-01-28", "Street_Tree_Map.csv"),
                   col_types = 
                     TreeID = col_double(),
                     qLegalStatus = col_character(),
                     qSpecies = col_character(),
                     qAddress = col_character(),
                     SiteOrder = col_double(),
                     qSiteInfo = col_character(),
                     PlantType = col_character(),
                     qCaretaker = col_character(),
                     qCareAssistant = col_character(),
                     PlantDate = col_character(),
                     DBH = col_double(),
                     PlotSize = col_character(),
                     PermitNotes = col_character(),
                     XCoord = col_double(),
                     YCoord = col_double(),
                     Latitude = col_double(),
                     Longitude = col_double(),
                     Location = col_character()
                   )) %>% 

small_df <- raw_df %>% 
  select(-x_coord,-y_coord,-q_care_assistant, -permit_notes) %>% 
  filter(plant_type != "Landscaping") %>% 
  select(-plant_type) %>% 
  separate(plant_date, into = c("date", "time"), sep = " ") %>% 
  mutate(date = parse_date(date, "%m/%d/%Y")) %>% 
  select(-time, -location) %>% 
  arrange(date) %>% 
  rename(legal_status = q_legal_status,
         species = q_species,
         address = q_address,
         site_info = q_site_info,
         caretaker = q_caretaker)

small_df %>% skimr::skim()

small_df %>% 
  write_csv(here::here("2020", "2020-01-28", "sf_trees.csv"))