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Brawlhalla API

A ruby wrapper for the Brawlhalla API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'brawlhalla-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install brawlhalla-api


Before using Brawlhalla::API you need to set it up with a valid API key.

Brawlhalla::API.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
  config.debug = false # set to true for debugging

Search By Steam ID

A Player can be looked up by steam ID. This returns the player’s name and brawlhalla_id.

(A player’s steamid in format steamID64 (ex 76561198048321884).)'76561198048321884')
# => #<Brawlhalla::API::PlayerSearch:0x00007fa9db937a10 @brawlhalla_id=8817417, @name="Rikas">



This endpoint retrieves all stats about a player, given a brawlhalla_id. It will return a new Brawlhalla::API::Player instance with all the stats as attributes.

player = Brawlhalla::API::Player.find('8817417')
# => #<Brawlhalla::API::Player:0x00007f9642b71350 ...> # => 1839
player.brawlhalla_id # => 8817417
player.damagebomb  # => 5516
player.kobomb # => 47

You also get individual stats (Brawlhalla::API::LegendStat instance) for each legend.

player.legend_stats.size # => 42

scarlet_stats = player.legend_stats.first

scarlet_stats.damagedealt # => 4481
scarlet_stats.damagegadgets # => 53 # => 45


This endpoint retrieves ranked data about a player. It receives one argument - the brawlhalla_id of the player.

ranked = Brawlhalla::API::Ranking.find('8817417')
ranked.wins # => 172
ranked.region # => "EU"
ranked.rating # => 1394
ranked.peak_rating # => 1415

Note: You can also get the ranked data if you already have a Brawlhalla::API::Player instance by calling the #ranking method. Keep in mind that this will also trigger an API call:

player = Brawlhalla::API::Player.find('8817417')
player.ranking #=> All the ranked data like the one you get with `Brawlhalla::API::Ranked.find`

You can check each legend's rankings by calling the #legend_rankings method. This will return an array of Brawlhalla::API::LegendRanking instances:

ranked = Brawlhalla::API::Ranking.find('8817417')
legend_rankings = ranked.legend_rankings # Array of LegendRanking instances
legend_rankings.size # => 10

bodvar_ranking = legend_rankings.first # => 31
bodvar_ranking.peak_rating # => 1200
bodvar.rating # => 1199
bodvar_ranking.tier # => "Silver 2"


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.