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This document describes the step-by-step instructions for reproducing PyTorch BlendCNN tuning(with MRPC dataset) results with Intel® Neural Compressor.


PyTorch quantization implementation in imperative path has limitation on automatically execution. It requires to manually add QuantStub and DequantStub for quantizable ops, it also requires to manually do fusion operation. Intel® Neural Compressor has no capability to solve this framework limitation. Intel® Neural Compressor supposes user have done these two steps before invoking Intel® Neural Compressor interface. For details, please refer to


1. Installation

cd examples/pytorch/nlp/blendcnn/quantization/ptq/eager
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torch==1.6.0+cpu -f

2. Prepare model and Dataset

Download BERT-Base, Uncased and GLUE MRPC Benchmark Datasets


mkdir models/ && mv models/
cd models/ && unzip

# train blend CNN from scratch
python --model_config config/blendcnn/mrpc/train.json

After below steps, you can find the pre-trained model weights at ./models/


After downloads dataset, you need to put dataset at ./MRPC/, list this:

ls MRPC/
dev_ids.tsv  dev.tsv  test.tsv  train.tsv



./ --input_model=/PATH/TO/models/ --dataset_location=/PATH/TO/MRPC/ --output_model=/DIR/TO/INT8_MODEL/

./ --int8=true --mode=benchmark --batch_size=32 --input_model=/DIR/TO/INT8_MODEL/
./ --int8=False --mode=benchmark --batch_size=32 --input_model=/PATH/TO/FP32_MODEL

3. Distillation of BlendCNN with BERT-Base as Teacher

3.1 Fine-tune the pretrained BERT-Base model on MRPC dataset

After preparation of step 2, you can fine-tune the pretrained BERT-Base model on MRPC dataset with below steps.

mkdir -p models/bert/mrpc
# fine-tune the pretrained BERT-Base model
python config/finetune/mrpc/train.json

When finished, you can find the fine-tuned BERT-Base model weights at ./models/bert/mrpc/.

3.2 Distilling the BlendCNN with BERT-Base

mkdir -p models/blendcnn/
# distilling the BlendCNN
python --loss_weights 0.1 0.9

Follow the above steps, you will find distilled BlendCNN model weights in ./models/blendcnn/.

Examples of enabling Intel® Neural Compressor auto tuning on PyTorch ResNest

This is a tutorial of how to enable a PyTorch classification model with Intel® Neural Compressor.

User Code Analysis

Intel® Neural Compressor supports three usages:

  1. User only provide fp32 "model", and configure calibration dataset, evaluation dataset and metric in model-specific yaml config file.
  2. User provide fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader" and evaluation dataset "eval_dataloader", and configure metric in tuning.metric field of model-specific yaml config file.
  3. User specifies fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader" and a custom "eval_func" which encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metric by itself.

As ResNest series are typical classification models, use Top-K as metric which is built-in supported by Intel® Neural Compressor. So here we integrate PyTorch ResNest with Intel® Neural Compressor by the first use case for simplicity.

Write Yaml config file

In examples directory, there is a template.yaml. We could remove most of items and only keep mandatory item for tuning.

model:                                               # mandatory. used to specify model specific information.
  name: blendcnn
  framework: pytorch     

    relative:  0.01                                  # optional. default value is relative, other value is absolute. this example allows relative accuracy loss: 1%.
    timeout: 0                                       # optional. tuning timeout (seconds). default value is 0 which means early stop. combine with max_trials field to decide when to exit.
  random_seed: 9527                                  # optional. random seed for deterministic tuning.

Here we use specifies fp32 "model", calibration dataset "q_dataloader" and a custom "eval_func" which encapsulates the evaluation dataset and metric.


PyTorch quantization requires two manual steps:

  1. Add QuantStub and DeQuantStub for all quantizable ops.
  2. Fuse possible patterns, such as Conv + Relu and Conv + BN + Relu.

It's intrinsic limitation of PyTorch quantization imperative path. No way to develop a code to automatically do that.(Please refer sample code)

code update

After prepare step is done, we just need update like below.

from neural_compressor.experimental import Quantization
dataloader = Bert_DataLoader(loader=data_iter, batch_size=args.batch_size)
quantizer = Quantization(args.nc_yaml)
quantizer.model = model
quantizer.calib_dataloader = dataloader
quantizer.eval_func = eval_func
q_model =

The function will return a best quantized model during timeout constrain.(Please refer sample code)