This type of Collection can contain items of differing types. You can store integers,
objects, callables, etc. all in each instance of \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection
Use this type of collection if you don't need strict-typing.
Example Usage:
$collection = new \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection(
1, // integer
2.5, // float
function() { return 'boo'; }, // callable
new StdClass(), // object
tmpfile(), // resource
'Hello World!' // string
// OR
$collection = \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection::makeNew(
1, // integer
2.5, // float
function() { return 'boo'; }, // callable
new StdClass(), // object
tmpfile(), // resource
'Hello World!' // string
// OR
$collection = new \VersatileCollections\GenericCollection();
$collection[] = 1;
$collection[] = 2.5;
$collection[] = function() { return 'boo'; };
$collection[] = new StdClass();
$collection[] = tmpfile();
$collection[] = 'Hello World!';