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Tokens && Fees

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RIF Rollup has a list of accepted tokens. A token is added to RIF Rollup via a transaction to its smart contract on L1. The listed tokens are the only tokens available to transact or pay the fees on L2. Each token has an ID, the L1 native token (RBTC) has the ID zero.

RIF Rollup requires fees for transactions to cover expenses for network operations and paying gas fees on L1. In contrast to L1 transactions (though it can be achieved by using RIF Relay), L2 transactions can be paid using any listed token that is available to be used as a fee token. A fee token is a listed token with a liquid market volume.

Supported tokens

RIF Rollup can be used to transfer RBTC and ERC20 tokens. The full list of currently supported tokens is available under this link (opens new window). Locally, this can be seen in the localhost.json file under etc/tokens folder and in the tokens database table.

Depending on the type of transaction, the submitter may or may not be able to select the type of token to pay the fees with:

Operations where the user can select any of the listed tokens suitable for payment of fees (liquid market volume):

  • ChangePubKey
  • MintNFT
  • WithdrawNFT
  • Swap

Operations where the user must use the same token being operated as the fees token:

  • Withdraw
  • ForcedExit
  • Transfer

DISCLAIMER: Listing of a token on RIF Rollup does not represent an endorsement for this token by the RIF Rollup team, IOVLabs, or any other entity. We do not have competence and authority to analyze the token business model and smart contract security guarantees of a particular token. Please use any token on your own risk and judgement.

Listing a token

  1. Deploy your ERC20 contract and take note of its address.

    You can use zk deploy-erc20 new <name> <symbol> <decimals> [<implementation>], for example:

    zk deploy-erc20 new "ProRif" "PRIF" 18 "$CUSTOM_ERC20_IMPL/abi.json"

    which will result in output:

      "address": "0x186E485150dDAB799Be8e25f87D717dEc45a86e5",
      "name": "ProRif",
      "symbol": "PRIF",
      "decimals": "18"
  2. In rollup run zk run governance-add-erc20 new <address>. this will:

    1. collect fees (token listing fees) on the TokenGovernance contract if caller is not on the tokenLister list and listingFee > 0 (see deployment and Governance for details)
    2. adds token to the Governance contract
    3. emits NewToken event
    4. The token symbol and decimals will be fetched from our internal token list based on data from CoinGecko. If your token is not on Coingecko, it will be listed as ERC20-<Token ID> with 18 decimals.
    5. the event is captured by the eth_watch module in zksync_core and token stored in the database using token_handler module

Operator could also chose to add some unconditionally valid tokens. These are the tokens that will be approved to be used for fees regardless of their liquidity. By default only RBTC (which is treated as ERC20 in L2) is unconditionally valid; unless in development, where also fake RIF and RDOC are deployed and added to the confguration. The configuration for this is in etc/env/<network>/fee_ticker.toml, where network is either testnet, mainnet, or dev (representing localhost).


to add more make it into an array, e.g.:


Tokens not available for fee payment

In some operations (Withdraw, ForcedExit, Transfer) the fee token cannot be selected and must be paid using the token being transferred or withdrawn. However, if the transaction involves a token without a liquid market volume, then (as per RIF Rollup documentation) fees for these operations are supposed to be paid using a different token but unfortunately, this is currently not implemented.

Trying to transfer or withdraw a token that doesn’t have a liquid market volume will fail. There is a workaround though. To pay the fee in a different token, you need to create a batch of transactions (there is a convenience class for it in the JS SDK). The first transaction should be of the token you wish to transfer/withdraw. Then since we’re assuming a scenario where no other tx needs to be sent, the user must include a dummy transaction whose sole purpose is to pay for the fees. This second transaction may be of the same type (i.e. transfer/withdraw) but for one of the available token fees. Since it’s a dummy transaction the user will set the amount (transferred or withdrawn) as 0, and she must include a fee large enough (in this case approximately twice the size) to cover the cost for both transactions. While this method works, the Transaction Batching section presents a more user-friendly approach.


Fees for each type of transaction are computed based on three main factors:

  • Amount of data that will be sent to the L1 network.
  • Current gas price on L1 (e.g. currently around 0.06 gwei on RSK).
  • Cost of computational resources to generate a proof for a block including the transaction.

Fees are low since these fees are distributed among all the transactions included in the rollup block. The minimum fee required to process a transaction can be queried using the get_tx_fee API entry (v0.1 or v0.2)

Fee costs

In RIF Rollup the cost of every transaction has two components:

  • Off-chain part (storage + prover costs): the cost of the state storage and the SNARK (zero-knowledge proof) generation. This part depends on the use of hardware resources and is therefore invariable. Our benchmarks give estimates of ~0.001 USD per transfer.
  • On-chain part (gas costs): for every RIF Rollup block the validator must pay gas to verify the SNARK proof, plus additional gas per transaction to publish the state 𝛥, depending on the transaction type. However, this part is orders of magnitude cheaper than the cost of normal RBTC/ERC20 transfers.

How fees are paid

Transfers in RIF Rollup support "gasless meta-transactions": users pay transaction fees in the tokens being transferred. Thus, for example, if you want to transfer RIFPro stable-coin, there is no need for you to own RBTC or any other tokens. Just pay your fees in a fraction of RIFPro.

Tokens listed on Coingecko with $100 of total volume in usd (our current measure of liquidity) can be used to pay for fees. For tokens without a liquid market volume, fees are paid in a different token.

This threshold can be also configured in etc/env/<network>/fee_ticker.toml, where network is either testnet, mainnet, or dev (representing localhost), under:


Transaction batching

JS SDK side

Transaction batching allows the user to submit several transactions at the same time, with the added benefit that the collected fee may be calculated for the whole batch instead of per transaction.

This allows the user to include any transaction in the batch, whether it operates with a token that is eligible for fee payment or not, since the batch builder allows the user to specify a fee token type that is independent of any of the tokens used in the operations. The user includes several transactions in the batch, each of them with ‘0’ as fee, and then selects a valid fee token when building the Batch transaction using the SDK, then the server will calculate the total amount needed to be paid on that fee token.

For example, for two Transfer operations.

const batch = await sender
  .addTransfer({ to: receiver.address(), tokenWithoutLiquidity1, amount })
  .addTransfer({ to: receiver.address(), tokenWithoutLiquidity2, amount })

By specifying the fee token (tokenForFees) during the Batch build process, it is expected for all the transactions included to have the “fee amount” in 0, otherwise, the build process will fail. The build process will automatically calculate the cost for the whole batch, in the provided tokenForFees token. For that it will first calculate the fee with the following formula:

$ token_risk_factor = 1 $

$ token_price_with_risk_in_usd = token_risk_factor / token_price_in_usd $

$ total_zkp_fee_in_tokens = cost_per_chunk_in_usd total_chunks token_price_with_risk_in_usd $

$ total_gas_fee_in_tokens = wei_in_usd total_gas gas_price_in_wei scale_factor token_price_with_risk_in_usd $

$ batch_fee_in_tokens = total_zkp_fee_in_tokens + total_gas_fee_in_tokens $

  • scaleFactor is a constant factor applied to the gasPrice to account for price volatility. feeTokenRiskFactor can be used to apply a correction factor that accounts for the risk of accepting the fee token as a method of payment. Currently, it is hardcoded to one but it may be used in future releases of RIF Rollup, or we may implement its use.

  • totalGas: The batch gas cost is the sum of the calculated gas cost of all the included transactions. Each transaction type has a standard gas cost, consisting of the sum of the Verification cost, the Commit cost, and “processing” cost proportional to the transaction’s Chunk Size. All these values can be found here. To this cost, a scale factor is applied (by default it is 100 which means no factor) if the transaction type is Transfer, Swap, MintNFT, or ChangePubKey. For fast Withdrawals (the ones that reduce the time-to-block-seal) there’s an extra step. Depending on the number of pending chunks in the current proposed (but pending) block, if there are enough chunks to fit the operation, the additional cost would be a proportional value given by the AMORTIZED_COST_PER_CHUNK property.

  • zkpFee: In addition to the total gas cost, there exists the total zkp generation cost, which is calculated as the cost per chunk (in Wei) multiplied by the total number of chunks in the batch.

The batch build process adds the feeToken to be used to the last transaction of the batch if the transfer token = feeToken. Otherwise it adds a new Transfer Transaction with 0 amount of feeToken to be transferred.

During the submission of the Batch, the user will invoke submitTxsBatch which starts the submit_txs_batch process on the server.

JS SDK side batch processing

The server makes a distinction between batches that use:

  • a single token type to pay fees with (feeToken) (has to be a single )
  • multiple fee token types

Single fee token type

The process will calculate the batch cost (standard operation type cost + zero-knowledge-proof cost per chunk (operation type)) with price per wei provided by a fee ticker. The server then checks this value against the amount sent by the user. The submission will fail if this value is higher than the user submitted fee (plus some constant upscaling to compensate for price fluctuations).

Multiple fee token types

(each transaction in the batch defines the fee amount attribute instead of using the tokenForFees parameter)

First, for each transaction it calculates the amount paid in USD (it fetches the price in USD of the fee token used in that transaction) and then calculates the total amount of USD paid for the batch (provided_total_usd_fee). Then it calculates the cost of the batch in the token0 (RBTC), and also fetches the token0 price in USD, these two values are used to calculate the batch fee cost in USD (required_total_usd_fee). Finally, it checks that provided_total_usd_fee(plus a constant upscaling the user’s paid fee to compensate for price fluctuations) is greater or equal thanrequired_total_usd_fee, otherwise, the submission fails. If in this scenario transactions are operating in tokens that are not eligible as fee tokens, then their fee amount must be 0 (otherwise the submission will fail). Since these are included in the list of transactions when asking the batch cost to the fee ticker, their cost is ultimately included in required_total_usd_fee, and the server will expect that the total fee in USD paid for the whole batch is enough to cover the cost of these transactions with “unavailable for fees” tokens.

title: Rollup API - submit_txs_batch (fee token focused)
flowchart TD
  received_batch("Receive transaction batch")
  is_single_fee_type{"Is single fee token type"}
  provided_enough{"Provided enough"}
  get_cost_in_token["Calculate batch cost in fee_token"]
  get_cost_in_native["Calculate batch cost in RBTC"]
  scale_user_fee_up["Scale the user fee up by a constant"]
  get_required_fee["Adjust cost for subsidy"]
  get_native_in_usd["Get USD per WEI"]

  received_batch --> is_single_fee_type
  is_single_fee_type -- yes --> get_cost_in_token
  get_cost_in_token --> scale_user_fee_up

  is_single_fee_type -- no --> get_cost_in_native
  get_cost_in_native --> get_native_in_usd
  get_native_in_usd --> scale_user_fee_up

  scale_user_fee_up --> get_required_fee
  get_required_fee --> provided_enough
  provided_enough -- no --> reject
  provided_enough -- yes --> process


Permissionless listings allow anybody to list new ERC20 tokens to be used in L2. However, only a whitelisted (by the Operator) set of tokens can be used to pay fees. This matters because accepting arbitrary tokens for fees can be logistically and economically challenging.