diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index b4bf566..2c47271 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -1 +1 @@ -404: This page could not be found


This page could not be found.

\ No newline at end of file +404: This page could not be found


This page could not be found.

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_next/data/jtJTAxHDzhfwvHKpTl_9a/index.json b/_next/data/jtJTAxHDzhfwvHKpTl_9a/index.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31557f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_next/data/jtJTAxHDzhfwvHKpTl_9a/index.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"pageProps":{"readme":"# react-data-table-hydration-bug\nRepro of a [hydration error][react#418] in [react-data-table-component]'s [`Pagination` element][PaginationWrapper] ([github]).\n\n[When the client window width][shouldShow] is < [599px][`SMALL`] or `undefined` (as during [SSR]), \"rows per page\" in the pagination footer [is omitted][shouldShows]. This causes a hydration error whenever the client window width is ≥599, as it is omitted on the server but rendered on the client.\n\n[![][error.gif]][error.gif]\n\n*Hydration error iff `window.innerWidth < 599`*\n\nThis page was built and deployed [via GitHub Actions][GHA]; if you refresh it when `window.innerWidth < 599`, you'll see an error in the dev console:\n\n[![][console-error.png]][console-error.png]\n\n[Page source][index.tsx]:\n\n```tsx\nimport DataTable from \"react-data-table-component\";\nimport ReactMarkdown from \"react-markdown\";\nimport fs from \"fs\";\n\nexport function getStaticProps() {\n return { props: { readme: fs.readFileSync(\"README.md\").toString() } }\n}\n\nconst Index = ({ readme }: { readme: string }) =>\n
\n {readme}\n
\n \n
\n\nexport default Index\n```\n\nThe error in the dev console links to [react#418]:\n```\nUncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=418 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n at lg (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:9:46336)\n at i (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:9:121103)\n at oD (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:9:99070)\n at framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:9:98937\n at oO (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:9:98944)\n at ox (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:9:93983)\n at x (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:33:1364)\n at MessagePort.T (framework-5eea1a21a68cb00b.js:33:1894)\n```\n\n## Local repro\nIf you clone [the repo][github], dev mode gives more details about the error (namely that it occurs in a hierarchy like `