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2023 tutorial banner

Practice Exercises - Community Analysis Pipeline (CAP)

GCM workflow

CAP is a Python toolkit designed to simplify post-processing and plotting MGCM output. CAP consists of five Python executables:

  1. → accessing MGCM output
  2. → reducing the files
  3. → performing variable operations
  4. → interpolating the vertical grid
  5. → plotting MGCM output

The following exercises are organized into two parts by function. We will go through Part I on Monday Nov. 13 and Part II on Tuesday Nov. 14.

Part I: File,, &

Part II: Plotting with

We will not be going over because it is specifically for retrieving MGCM data from the online MGCM data repository. Instructions for was covered in the 2021 Legacy Version Tutorial.

Table of Contents

Activating CAP

Activate the amesCAP virtual environment to use CAP:

(cloud)~$ source ~/amesCAP/bin/activate

Confirm that CAP's executables are accessible by typing:

(amesCAP)~$ -h

The --help [-h] argument prints documentation for the executable to the terminal. Now that we know CAP is configured, make a copy of the file amescap_profile in your home directory, and make it a hidden file:

(amesCAP)~$ cp ~/amesCAP/mars_templates/amescap_profile ~/.amescap_profile

CAP stores useful settings in amescap_profile. Copying it to our home directory ensures it is not overwritten if CAP is updated or reinstalled.

Following Along with the Tutorial

Part I covers file manipulations. Some exercises build off of previous exercises so it is important to complete them in order. If you make a mistake or get behind in the process, you can go back and catch up during a break or use the provided answer key before continuing on to Part II.

Part II demonstrates CAP's plotting routine. There is more flexibility in this part of the exercise.

We will perform every exercise together.

Feel free to put questions in the chat throughout the tutorial. Another MGCM member can help you as we go.

Return to Top

Part I: File Manipulations

CAP has dozens of post-processing capabilities. We will go over a few of the most commonly used functions in this tutorial. We will cover:

  • Interpolating data to different vertical coordinate systems (
  • Adding derived variables to the files (
  • Time-shifting data to target local times (
  • Trimming a file to reduce its size (

The required MGCM output files are already loaded in the cloud environment under tutorial_files/cap_exercises/. Change to that directory and look at the contents:

(amesCAP)~$ cd tutorial_files/cap_exercises
(amesCAP)~$ ls

The three MGCM output files have a 5-digit sol number appended to the front of the file name. The sol number indicates the day that a file's record begins. These contain output from the sixth year of a simulation. The zipped file is an archive of these three output files in case you need it.

The other two files, and are discussed later. We can ignore them for now.

The output files we manipulate in Part I will be used to generating plots in Part II so do not delete any file you create!

Let's begin the tutorial.

1. MarsPlot's --inspect Function

The inspect function is part of and it prints netCDF file contents to the screen.

To use it on the average file,, type the following in the terminal:

(amesCAP)~$ -i

This is a good time to remind you that if you are unsure how to use a function, invoke the --help [-h] argument with any executable to see its documentation (e.g., -h).

Return to Part I

2. Editing Variable Names and Attributes

In the previous exercise, --inspect [-i] revealed a variable called opac in opac is dust opacity per pascal and it is similar to another variable in the file, dustref, which is opacity per (model) level. Let's rename opac to dustref_per_pa to better indicate the relationship between these variables.

We can modify variable names, units, longnames, and even scale variables using the -edit function in The syntax for editing the variable name is:

(amesCAP)~$ -edit opac -rename dustref_per_pa was created was updated

We can use --inspect [-i] again to confirm that opac was renamed dustref_per_pa:

(amesCAP)~$ -i

The --inspect [-i] function can also print a summary of the values of a variable to the screen. For example:

(amesCAP)~$ -i -stat dustref_per_pa
  VAR           |   MIN     |    MEAN     |    MAX      |
  dustref_per_pa|          0|  0.000384902|    0.0017573|

Finally, --inspect [-i] can print the values of a variable to the screen. For example:

(amesCAP)~$ -i -dump lat
[-89. -87. -85. -83. -81. -79. -77. -75. -73. -71. -69. -67. -65. -63.
 -61. -59. -57. -55. -53. -51. -49. -47. -45. -43. -41. -39. -37. -35.
 -33. -31. -29. -27. -25. -23. -21. -19. -17. -15. -13. -11.  -9.  -7.
  -5.  -3.  -1.   1.   3.   5.   7.   9.  11.  13.  15.  17.  19.  21.
  1.   25.  27.  29.  31.  33.  35.  37.  39.  41.  43.  45.  47.  49.
  2.   53.  55.  57.  59.  61.  63.  65.  67.  69.  71.  73.  75.  77.
  3.   81.  83.  85.  87.  89.]

Return to Part I

3. Splitting Files in Time

Next we're going to trim the diurn and average files by L$_s$. We'll create files that only contain data around southern summer solstice, L$_s$=270. This greatly reduces the file size to make our next post-processing steps more efficient.

Syntax for trimming files by L$_s$ is:

(amesCAP)~$ -split 265 275
/home/centos/tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ was created
(amesCAP)~$ -split 265 275
/home/centos/tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ was created

The trimmed files have the appendix and the simulation day has changed from 03340 to 03847 to reflect that the first day in the file has changed.

For future steps, we need a fixed file with the same simulation day number as the files we just created, so make a copy of the fixed file and rename it:

(amesCAP)~$ cp

Return to Part I


Take 15 minutes to stretch, ask questions, or let us know your thoughts on CAP so far!

4. Deriving Secondary Variables

The --add function in derives and adds secondary variables to MGCM output files provided that the variable(s) required for the derivation are already in the file. We will add the meridional mass streamfunction (msf) to the trimmed average file. To figure out what we need in order to do this, use the --help [-h] function on

(amesCAP)~$ -h

The help function shows that streamfunction (msf) requires two things: that the meridional wind (vcomp) is in the average file, and that the average file is pressure-interpolated.

First, confirm that vcomp is in using --inspect [-i]:

(amesCAP)~$ -i
vcomp : ('time', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon')= (3, 56, 90, 180), meridional wind  [m/sec]

Second, pressure-interpolate the average file using The call to requires:

  • The interpolation type (--type [-t]), we will use standard pressure coorindates (pstd)
  • The grid to interpolate to (--level [-l]), we will use the default pressure grid (pstd_default)

All interpolation types are listed in the --help [-h] documentation for Additional grids are listed in ~/.amescap_profile, which accepts user-input grids as well.

We will also specify that only temperature (temp), winds (ucomp and vcomp), and surface pressure (ps) are to be included in this new file using -include. This will reduce the interpolated file size.

Finally, add the --grid [-g] flag at the end of prompt to print out the standard pressure grid levels that we are interpolating to:

(amesCAP)~$ -t pstd -l pstd_default -include temp ucomp vcomp ps -g
1100.0 1050.0 1000.0 950.0 900.0 850.0 800.0 750.0 700.0 650.0 600.0 550.0 500.0 450.0 400.0 350.0 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 70.0 50.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 7.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05

To perform the interpolation, simply omit the --grid [-g] flag:

(amesCAP)~$ -t pstd -l pstd_default -include temp ucomp vcomp ps
/home/centos/tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ was created

Now we have a pressure-interpolated average file with vcomp in it. We can derive and add msf to it using

(amesCAP)~$ -add msf
Processing: msf...
msf: Done

Return to Part I

5. Time-Shifting Diurn Files

The diurn file is organized by time-of-day assuming universal time starting at the Martian prime meridian. The time-shift --tshift [-t] function interpolates the diurn file to uniform local time. This is especially useful when comparing MGCM output to satellite observations in fixed local time orbit.

Time-shifting can only be done on files with a local time dimension (time_of_day_24, i.e. diurn files). By default, time shifts all of the data in the file to 24 uniform local times and this generates very large files. To reduce file size and processing time, we will time-shift the data only to the local times we are interested in: 3 AM and 3 PM.

Time-shift the temperature (temp) and surface pressure (ps) in the trimmed diurn file to 3 AM / 3 PM local time like so:

(amesCAP)~$ -t '3. 15.' -include temp ps
/home/centos/tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ was created

A new diurn file called is created. Use --inspect [-i] to confirm that only ps and temp (and their dimensions) are in the file and that the time_of_day dimension has a length of 2:

(amesCAP)~$ -i
time           : ('time',)= (3,), sol number  [days since 0000-00-00 00:00:00]
time_of_day_02 : ('time_of_day_02',)= (2,), time of day  [[hours since 0000-00-00 00:00:00]]
pfull          : ('pfull',)= (56,), ref full pressure level  [mb]
scalar_axis    : ('scalar_axis',)= (1,), none  [none]
lon            : ('lon',)= (180,), longitude  [degrees_E]
lat            : ('lat',)= (90,), latitude  [degrees_N]
areo           : ('time', 'time_of_day_02', 'scalar_axis')= (3, 2, 1), areo  [degrees]
ps             : ('time', 'time_of_day_02', 'lat', 'lon')= (3, 2, 90, 180), surface pressure  [Pa]
temp           : ('time', 'time_of_day_02', 'pfull', 'lat', 'lon')= (3, 2, 56, 90, 180), temperature  [K]

Return to Part I

6. Pressure-Interpolating the Vertical Axis

Now we can efficiently interpolate the diurn file to the standard pressure grid. Recall that interpolation is part of and requires:

  1. Interpolation type (--type [-t]), and
  2. Grid (--level [-l])

As before, we will interpolate to standard pressure (pstd) using the default pressure grid in .amesgcm_profile (pstd_default):

(amesCAP)~$ -t pstd -l pstd_default
/home/centos/tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ was created

Note: Interpolation could be done before or after time-shifting, the order does not matter.

We now have four different diurn files in our directory:                  # Original MGCM file        # + Trimmed to Ls=265-275      # + Time-shifted; `ps` and `temp` only # + Pressure-interpolated

CAP always adds an appendix to the name of any new file it creates. This helps users keep track of what was done and in what order. The last file we created was trimmed, time-shifted, then pressure-interpolated. However, the same file could be generated by performing the three functions in any order.

Return to Part I

Optional: Use the Answer Key for Part I

This concludes Part I of the tutorial! If you messed up one of the exercises somewhere, you can run the script in this directory. It will delete the files you've made and performs all 6 Exercises in Part I for you. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Source the amesCAP virtual environment
  2. Change to the tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ directory
  3. Run the executable:
(amesCAP)~$ ./

The script will do all of Part I for you. This ensures you can follow along with the plotting routines in Part II.

Return to Part I

CAP Practical Day 2

This part of the CAP Practical covers how to generate plots with CAP. We will take a learn-by-doing approach, creating five sets of plots that demonstrate some of CAP's most often used plotting capabilities:

  1. Custom Set 1 of 4: Zonal Mean Surface Plots Over Time
  2. Custom Set 2 of 4: Global Mean Column-Integrated Dust Optical Depth Over Time
  3. Custom Set 3 of 4: 50 Pa Temperatures at 3 AM and 3 PM
  4. Custom Set 4 of 4: Zonal Mean Circulation Cross-Sections

Plotting with CAP is done in 3 steps:

Step 1: Creating the Template (

Step 2: Editing

Step 3: Generating the Plots

As in Part I, we will go through these steps together.

Part II: Plotting with CAP

CAP's plotting routine is It works by generating a file containing seven different plot templates that users can modify, then reading the file to make the plots.

The plot templates in include:

Plot Type X, Y Dimensions Name in
Map Longitude, Latitude Plot 2D lon x lat
Time-varying Time, Latitude Plot 2D time x lat
Time-varying Time, level Plot 2D time x lev
Time-varying Longitude, Time Plot 2D lon x time
Cross-section Longitude, Level Plot 2D lon x lev
Cross-section Latitude, Level Plot 2D lat x lev
Line plot (1D) Dimension*, Variable Plot 1D

*Dimension is user-indicated and could be time (time), latitude (lat), longitude lon, or level (pfull, pstd, zstd, zagl).

Additionally, supports:

  • PDF & image format
  • Landscape & portrait mode
  • Multi-panel plots
  • Overplotting
  • Customizable axes dimensions and contour intervals
  • Adjustable colormaps and map projections

and so much more. You will learn to plot with by following along with the demonstration. We will generate the template file, customize it, and pass it back into to create plots.

Return to Part II

Step 1: Creating the Template (

Generate the template file,

(amesCAP)~$ -template
/home/centos/tutorial_files/cap_exercises/ was created 

A new file called is created in your current working directory.

Step 2: Editing

Open using vim:

(amesCAP)~$ vim

Scroll down until you see the first two templates shown in the image below:

custom input template

Since all of the templates have a similar structure, we can broadly describe how works by going through the templates line-by-line.

Line 1

# Line 1                ┌ plot type  ┌ whether to create the plot
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<| Plot 2D lon X lat = True |>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Line 1 indicates the plot type and whether to create the plot when passed into

Line 2

# Line 2         ┌ file ┌ variable
Title          = None

Line 2 is where we set the plot title.

Line 3

# Line 3         ┌ file ┌ variable
Main Variable  = fixed.zsurf          # file.variable
Main Variable  = [fixed.zsurf]/1000   # [] brackets for mathematical operations
Main Variable  = diurn_T.temp{tod=3}  # {} brackets for dimension selection

Line 3 indicates the variable to plot and the file from which to pull the variable.

Additional customizations include:

  • Element-wise operations (e.g., scaling by a factor)
  • Dimensional selection (e.g., selecting the time of day (tod) at which to plot from a time-shifted diurn file)

Line 4

# Line 4
Cmin, Cmax     = None           # automatic, or
Cmin, Cmax     = -4,5           # contour limits, or
Cmin, Cmax     = -4,-2,0,1,3,5  # explicit contour levels

Line 4 line defines the color-filled contours for Main Variable. Valid inputs are:

  • None (default) enables Python's automatic interpretation of the contours
  • min,max specifies contour range
  • X,Y,Z,...,N gives explicit contour levels

Lines 5 & 6

# Lines 5 & 6
Ls 0-360       = None # for 'time' free dimension
Level Pa/m     = None # for 'pstd' free dimension

Lines 5 & 6 handle the free dimension(s) for Main Variable (the dimensions that are not plot dimensions).

For example, temperature has four dimensions: (time, pstd, lat, lon). For a 2D lon X lat map of temperature, lon and lat provide the x and y dimensions of the plot. The free dimensions are then pstd (Level Pa/m) and time (Ls 0-360).

Lines 5 & 6 accept four input types:

  1. integer selects the closest value
  2. min,max averages over a range of the dimension
  3. all averages over the entire dimension
  4. None (default) depends on the free dimension:
# ┌ free dimension      ┌ default setting
Ls 0-360       = None   # most recent timestep
Level Pa/m     = None   # surface level
Lon +/-180     = None   # zonal mean over all longitudes
Latitude       = None   # equatorial values only

Lines 7 & 8

# Line 7 & 8
2nd Variable   = None           # no solid contours
2nd Variable   = fixed.zsurf    # draw solid contours
Contours Var 2  = -4,5          # contour range, or
Contours Var 2  = -4,-2,0,1,3,5 # explicit contour levels

Lines 7 & 8 (optional) define the solid contours on the plot. Contours can be drawn for Main Variable or a different 2nd Variable.

  • Like Main Variable, 2nd Variable minimally requires file.variable
  • Like Cmin, Cmax, Contours Var 2 accepts a range (min,max) or list of explicit contour levels (X,Y,Z,...,N)

Line 9

# Line 9        ┌ X axes limit      ┌ Y axes limit      ┌ colormap   ┌ cmap scale  ┌ projection
 Axis Options : lon = [None,None] | lat = [None,None] | cmap = jet | scale = lin | proj = cart

Finally, Line 9 offers plot customization (e.g., axes limits, colormaps, map projections, linestyles, 1D axes labels).

Return to Part II

Step 3: Generating the Plots

Generate the plots set to True in by saving and quitting the editor (:wq) and then passing the template file to The first time we do this, we'll pass the --date [-d] flag to specify that we want to plot from the 03340 average and fixed files:

(amesCAP)~$ -d 03340

Plots are created and saved in a file called Diagnostics.pdf.

default plots

Viewing Diagnostics.pdf

To open the file, we need to copy it to our local computer. We'll create an alias for the command that does this so we can easily pull Diagnostics.pdf from the cloud environment.

First, open a new terminal tab (CRTL-t).

Then, change to the directory hosting your token for this tutorial (the token is the file ending in .pem).

Finally, build the secure copy (scp) command OR use sftp.

Using scp(recommended)

To build your scp command:

  • The name of your .pem file (e.g., mars-clusterXX.pem)
  • The address you used to login to the cloud (something like centos@YOUR_IP_ADDRESS)
  • The path to the PDF in the cloud: tutorial_files/cap_exercises/Diagnostics.pdf

Putting these together, the secure copy command is:

(local)~$ scp -i "mars-clusterXX.pem" centos@YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:tutorial_files/cap_exercises/Diagnostics.pdf .

To make the command into an alias named getpdf:

(local)~$ alias getpdf='scp -i "mars-clusterXX.pem" centos@YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:tutorial_files/cap_exercises/Diagnostics.pdf .'

Now we can pull the PDF to our local computer with one simple command:

(local)~$ getpdf # uses scp

Using sftp

Alternatively, if scp isn't working for you, you can use sftp. To do this, go to your new terminal tab and type:

(local)~$ sftp -i "mars-clusterXX.pem" centos@YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
sftp> cd tutorial_files/cap_exercises

Then when you want to pull the PDF to your local computer, type:

sftp> get Diagnostics.pdf


Plotting with is done in 3 steps:

(amesCAP)~$ -template # generate
(amesCAP)~$ vim         # edit
(amesCAP)~$ # pass back to MarsPlot

Now we will go through some examples.

Customizing the Plots

Open in the editor:

(amesCAP)~$ vim

Copy the first two templates that are set to True and paste them below the line Empty Templates (set to False). Then, set them to False. This way, we have all available templates saved at the bottom of the script.

We'll preserve the first two plots, but let's define the sol number of the average and fixed files in the template itself so we don't have to pass the --date [-d] argument every time:

# for the first plot (lon X lat topography):
Main Variable  = 03340.fixed.zsurf
# for the second plot (lat X lev zonal wind):
Main Variable  = 03340.atmos_average.ucomp

Now we can omit the date (--date [-d]) when we pass to

Custom Set 1 of 4: Zonal Mean Surface Plots Over Time

The first set of plots we'll make are zonal mean surface fields over time: surface temperature, CO$_2$ ice, and wind stress.

zonal mean surface plots

For each of the plots, source variables from the non-interpolated average file,

For the surface temperature plot:

  • Copy/paste the Plot 2D time X lat template above the Empty Templates line
  • Set it to True
  • Edit the title to Zonal Mean Sfc T [K]
  • Set Main Variable = 03340.atmos_average.ts
  • Edit the colorbar range: Cmin, Cmax = 140,270140-270 Kelvin
  • Set 2nd Variable = 03340.atmos_average.tsfor overplotted solid contours
  • Explicitly define the solid contours: Contours Var 2 = 160,180,200,220,240,260

Let's pause here and pass the file to

Type ESC-:wq to save and close the file. Then, pass it to


Now, go to your local terminal tab and retrieve the PDF:

(local)~$ getpdf # uses scp


sftp> get Diagnostics.pdf # uses sftp

Now we can open it and view our plot.

Go back to the cloud environment tab to finish generating the other plots on this page. Open in vim:

(amesCAP)~$ vim

Write a set of HOLD ON and HOLD OFF arguments around the surface temperature plot. We will paste the other templates within these arguments to tell to put these plots on the same page.

Copy/paste the Plot 2D time X lat template plot twice more. Make sure to set the boolean to True.

For the surface CO$_2$ ice plot:

  • Set the title to Zonal Mean Sfc CO2 Ice [kg/m2]
  • Set Main Variable = 03340.atmos_average.co2ice_sfc
  • Edit the colorbar range: Cmin, Cmax = 0,8000-800 kg/m$^2$
  • Set 2nd Variable = 03340.atmos_average.co2ice_sfcsolid contours
  • Explicitly define the solid contours: Contours Var 2 = 200,400,600,800
  • Change the colormap on the Axis Options line: cmap = plasma

For the surface wind stress plot:

  • Set the title to Zonal Mean Sfc Stress [N/m2]
  • Set Main Variable = 03340.atmos_average.stress
  • Edit the colorbar range: Cmin, Cmax = 0,0.030-0.03 N/m$^2$

Save and quit the editor (ESC-:wq) and pass to


In your local terminal tab, retrieve the PDF to view the plots:

(local)~$ getpdf # uses scp


sftp> get Diagnostics.pdf # uses sftp

Return to Part II

Custom Set 2 of 4: Global Mean Column-Integrated Dust Optical Depth Over Time

Now we'll generate a 1D plot and practice plotting multiple lines on it.

global mean dust plot

Let's start by setting up our 1D plot template:

  • Write a new set of HOLD ON and HOLD OFF arguments.
  • Copy/paste the Plot 1D template between them.
  • Set the template to True.

Create the visible dust optical depth plot first:

  • Set the title: Area-Weighted Global Mean Dust OD (norm.) [op]
  • Edit the legend: Visible

The input to Main Variable is not so straightforward this time. We want to plot the normalized dust optical depth, which is dervied as follows:

normalized_dust_OD = opacity / surface_pressure * reference_pressure

The MGCM outputs column-integrated visible dust opacity to the variable taudust_VIS, surface pressure is saved as ps, and we'll use a reference pressure of 610 Pa. Recall that element-wise operations are performed when square brackets [] are placed around the variable in Main Variable. Putting all that together, Main Variable is:

# ┌ norm. OD     ┌ opacity                         ┌ surface pressure       ┌ ref. P
Main Variable  = [03340.atmos_average.taudust_VIS]/[]*610

To finish up this plot, tell what to do to the dimensions of taudust_VIS (time, lon, lat):

  • Leave Ls 0-360 = AXIS to use 'time' as the X axis dimension.
  • Set Latitude = allaverage over all latitudes
  • Set Lon +/-180 = allaverage over all longitudes
  • Set the Y axis label under Axis Options: axlabel = Optical Depth

The infrared dust optical depth plot is identical to the visible dust OD plot except for the variable being plotted, so duplicate the visible plot we just created. Make sure both templates are between HOLD ON and HOLD OFF Then, change two things:

  • Change Main Variable from taudust_VIS to taudust_IR
  • Set the legend to reflect the new variable (Legend = Infrared)

Save and quit the editor (ESC-:wq). pass to


In your local terminal tab, retrieve the PDF to view the plots:

(local)~$ getpdf # uses scp


sftp> get Diagnostics.pdf # uses sftp

Notice we have two separate 1D plots on the same page. This is because of the HOLD ON and HOLD OFF arguments. Without those, these two plots would be on separate pages. But how do we overplot the lines on top of one another?

Go back to the cloud environment, open, and type ADD LINE between the two 1D templates.

Save and quit again, pass it through, and retrieve the PDF locally. Now we have the overplotted lines we were looking for.

Return to Part II


Take 15 minutes to stretch, ask questions, or let us know your thoughts on CAP so far!

Custom Set 3 of 4: 50 Pa Temperatures at 3 AM and 3 PM

The first two plots are 3 AM and 3 PM 50 Pa temperatures at L$_s$=270. Below is the 3 PM - 3 AM difference.

3 am 3 pm temperatures

We'll generate all three plots before passing to, so copy/paste the Plot 2D lon X lat template three times between a set of HOLD ON and HOLD OFF arguments and set them to True.

For the first plot,

  • Title it for 3 AM temperatures: 3 AM 50 Pa Temperatures [K] @ Ls=270
  • Set Main Variable to temp and select 3 AM for the time of day using curly brackets:
Main Variable  = 03847.atmos_diurn_Ls265_275_T_pstd.temp{tod=3}
  • Set the colorbar range: Cmin, Cmax = 145,290145-290 K
  • Set Ls 0-360 = 270southern summer solstice
  • Set Level Pa/m = 50selects 50 Pa temperatures
  • Set 2nd Variable to be identical to Main Variable

Now, edit the second template for 3 PM temperatures the same way. The only differences are the:

  • Title: edit to reflect 3 PM temperatures
  • Time of day selection: for 3 PM, {tod=15} change this for 2nd Variable too!

For the difference plot, we will need to use square brackets in the input for Main Variable in order to subtract 3 AM temperatures from 3 PM temperatures. We'll also use a diverging colorbar to show temperature differences better.

  • Set the title to 3 PM - 3 AM Temperature [K] @ Ls=270
  • Build Main Variable by subtracting the 3 AM Main Variable input from the 3 PM Main variable input:
Main Variable = [03847.atmos_diurn_Ls265_275_T_pstd.temp{tod=15}]-[03847.atmos_diurn_Ls265_275_T_pstd.temp{tod=3}]
  • Center the colorbar at 0 by setting Cmin, Cmax = -20,20
  • Like the first two plots, set Ls 0-360 = 270southern summer solstice
  • Like the first two plots, set Level Pa/m = 50selects 50 Pa temperatures
  • Select a diverging colormap in Axis Options: cmap = RdBu_r

Save and quit the editor (ESC-:wq). pass to, and pull it to your local computer:

# switch to the local terminal...
(local)~$ getpdf # uses scp


sftp> get Diagnostics.pdf # uses sftp

Return to Part II

Custom Set 4 of 4: Zonal Mean Circulation Cross-Sections

For our final set of plots, we will generate four cross-section plots showing temperature, zonal (U) and meridional (V) winds, and mass streamfunction at L$_s$=270.

zonal mean circulation plots

Begin with the usual 3-step process:

  1. Write a set of HOLD ON and HOLD OFF arguments
  2. Copy-paste the Plot 2D lat X lev template between them
  3. Set the template to True

Since all four plots are going to have the same X and Y axis ranges and time selection, let's edit this template before copying it three more times:

  • Set Ls 0-360 = 270
  • In Axis Options, set Lat = [-90,90]
  • In Axis Options, set level[Pa/m] = [1000,0.05]

Now copy/paste this template three more times. Let the first plot be temperature, the second be mass streamfunction, the third be zonal wind, and the fourth be meridional wind.

For temperature:

Title          = Temperature [K] (Ls=270)
Main Variable  = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.temp
Cmin, Cmax     = 110,240
2nd Variable   = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.temp

For streamfunction, define explicit solid contours under Contours Var 2 and set a diverging colormap.

Title          = Mass Stream Function [1.e8 kg s-1] (Ls=270)
Main Variable  = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.msf
Cmin, Cmax     = -110,110
2nd Variable   = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.msf
Contours Var 2 = -5,-3,-1,-0.5,1,3,5,10,20,40,60,100,120
# set cmap = bwr in Axis Options

For zonal and meridional wind, use the dual-toned colormap PiYG.

Title          = Zonal Wind [m/s] (Ls=270)
Main Variable  = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.ucomp
Cmin, Cmax     = -230,230
2nd Variable   = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.ucomp
# set cmap = PiYG in Axis Options

Title = Zonal Wind [m/s] (Ls=270) Main Variable = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.ucomp Cmin, Cmax = -230,230 ... 2nd Variable = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.ucomp

set cmap = PiYG in Axis Options

Title          = Meridional Wind [m/s] (Ls=270)
Main Variable  = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.vcomp
Cmin, Cmax     = -85,85
2nd Variable   = 03847.atmos_average_Ls265_275_pstd.vcomp
# set cmap = PiYG in Axis Options

Save and quit the editor (ESC-:wq). pass to, and pull it to your local computer:

# switch to the local terminal...
(local)~$ getpdf # uses scp


sftp> get Diagnostics.pdf # uses sftp

Return to Part II

End Credits

This concludes the practical exercise portion of the CAP tutorial. Please feel free to use these exercises as a reference when using CAP the future!

Written by Courtney Batterson, Alex Kling, and Victoria Hartwick. This document was created for the NASA Ames MGCM and CAP Tutorial held virtually November 13-15, 2023.

Questions, comments, or general feedback? Contact us.

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