Releases: rwynn/mongofluxd
Releases · rwynn/mongofluxd
mongofluxd v0.8.1
- Upgrade dependencies
- Build with go 1.12.1
mongofluxd v0.8.0
- Add ability to override the target influxdb database of a measurement. Previously, mongofluxd would always use the MongoDB database name as the InfluxDB database name.
- Fixed an issue for a combination of MongoDB views, direct reads, and an implicit measurement name
mongofluxd v0.7.1
- Change stream performance improvements
mongofluxd v0.7.0
- Performance enhancements
mongofluxd v0.6.2
- Set read / write timeouts for the MongoDB driver
mongofluxd v0.6.1
- updated dependencies
mongofluxd v0.6.0
- add support for MongoDB change streams and views
- build with golang 1.11
mongofluxd v0.5.1
- fix for issue #1
- build with golang 1.10.1
mongofluxd v0.5.0
- upgrade gtm library
mongofluxd v0.3.0
- add support for go 1.8 plugins