The Observer Pattern defines a one-to-many relationship between objects, where changes in one object (the subject) trigger automatic updates to multiple dependent objects (observers).
interface Observer
public function update(string $event): void;
class Customer implements Observer
public function __construct(private string $name) {}
public function update(string $event): void
echo "{$this->name} notified: {$event}";
interface Subject
public function attach(Observer $observer): void;
public function detach(Observer $observer): void;
public function notify(string $event): void;
class BookStore implements Subject
private array $observers = [];
public function attach(Observer $observer): void
$this->observers[] = $observer;
public function detach(Observer $observer): void
$this->observers = array_filter(
fn($obs) => $obs !== $observer
public function notify(string $event): void
foreach ($this->observers as $observer) {
$store = new BookStore();
$store->attach(new Customer("Lucy"));
$store->attach(new Customer("Jonathan"));
$store->notify("New book arrived");
Lucy notified: New book arrived
Jonathan notified: New book arrived