Uniblocks wraps all of your status bar modules into a single string that updates only the part that has changed.
This string can be used with any status bar application since Uniblocks itself handles all the updating.
- The modules can be updated without the status bar's interventions
- Updating is possible both periodically and manually
- Different modules can be updated at different intervals
- Can be used with any status bar application
- Tiny & fast ( hint: ~80 lines of POSIX shellscript with only sleep calls)
- mkfifo, sleep
git clone https://github.com/salman-abedin/uniblocks.git && cd uniblocks && make && sudo make install
according to your particular status bar setup. -
Script belows commands as necessary.
Command | Effect |
uniblocks --gen,-g |
Prints the status string according to the config |
uniblocks --update,-u <TAG> |
Manually updates individual module (e.g. The volume module) |
cd uniblocks
git pull --no-rebase && sudo make install
cd uniblocks
sudo make uninstall
Name | Description |
Alfred/panel | The status bar modules |
faint | The launcher wrapper |
bolt | The launcher wrapper |
tide | Minimal Transmission CLI client |
puri | Minimal URL launcher |
devour | X11 window swallower |
crystal | The transparent setup |
Magpie | The dotfiles |
Alfred | The scripts |