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He recieved Ph.d degree, majoring in electrical engineering, from Tsinghua University and is part of Energy Management System (EMS) group head by Prof. Hongbin Sun. He was a visiting scholar in UC, Berkeley, advised by Prof. Shmuel S. Oren. He received the B.S and M.S degree from Southeast University, Nanjing, China with honors in 2018, 2021 respectively. He is also a research intern on LLM for power systems supervised by Wotao Yin in Decision Intelligence Lab, DAMO Academy, Alibaba.
He is working on fusing artificial intelligence and operation research for sustainable power system analytics from prediction, to scheduling, to controling. CV
On the job market.
[Dec. 2024] Defense my doctoral dissertation in Tsinghua University;
[Nov. 2024] Serve as a session chair in EI2 2024;
[Oct. 2024] Recieve the Doctoral National Scholarship in Tsinghua University;
[May 2024] Start Research Intern in the MinD Team of DAMO Academy, Alibaba, Hangzhou, China as LLM research intern under supervision of Wotao Yin;
- L. Sang, Y. Xu, W. Wu, and H. Long, “Online Voltage Regulation of Active Distribution Networks: A Deep Neural Encoding-Decoding Approach, ” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Early Access, 2023.
- L. Sang, Y. Xu, and H. Sun, “Encoding Carbon Emission Flow in Energy Management: A Compact Constraint Learning Approach, ” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Early Access, 2023. Arxiv
- L. Sang, Y. Xu, Z. Yi, H. Long, and H. Sun, “Conservative Sparse Neural Network Embedded Frequency Constrained Unit Commitment With Distributed Energy Resources,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Early Access, 2023. Arxiv
- L. Sang, Y. Xu, and H. Sun, “Ensemble Provably Robust Learn-to-optimize Approach for Security-Constrained Unit Commitment, ” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Early Access, 2022.
- L. Sang, Y. Xu, H. Long, and W. Wu, “Safety-aware Semi-end-to-end Coordinated Decision Model for Voltage Regulation in Active Distribution Network, ” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Early Access, 2022. Arxiv
- L. Sang, Y. Xu, H. Long, Q. Hu, and H. Sun, “Electricity Price Prediction for Energy Storage System Arbitrage: A Decision-focused Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 2822-2832, July 2022. Arxiv
- L. Sang, Q. Hu, Y. Xu, and Z. Wu, “Privacy-preserving Hybrid Cloud Framework for Real-time TCL-based Demand Response,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Early Access, 2022.
- H. Long, L. Sang, Z. Wu, and W. Gu, “Image-Based Abnormal Data Detection and Cleaning Algorithm via Wind Power Curve,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 938-946, Apr. 2020. Arxiv
Full publication list could refer to Google scholar,Researchgate .