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Blazing fast input validation and transformation ⚡

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A very fast and lightweight input validation and transformation library for JavaScript.

Note: Shapeshift requires Node.js v14.0.0 or higher to work.


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  • TypeScript friendly
  • Offers CJS, ESM and UMD builds
  • API similar to zod and yup
  • Faster than ⚡


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For complete usages, please dive into our documentation

Basic usage

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Creating a simple string validation

import { s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

const myStringValidation = s.string();

// Parse
myStringValidation.parse('sapphire'); // => returns 'sapphire'
myStringValidation.parse(12); // throws ValidationError

Creating an object schema

import { s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

const user = s.object({
  username: s.string()

user.parse({ username: 'Sapphire' });

Defining validations

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import { s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

// Primitives

// Empty Types
s.nullish(); // Accepts undefined | null

// Catch-all Types

// Never Type


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s.literal(new Date(1639278160000)); //;


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Shapeshift includes a handful of string-specific validations:



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Shapeshift includes a handful of number-specific validations:

s.number().greaterThan(5); // > 5
s.number().greaterThanOrEqual(5); // >= 5
s.number().lessThan(5); // < 5
s.number().lessThanOrEqual(5); // <= 5
s.number().equal(5); // === 5
s.number().notEqual(5); // !== 5

s.number().equal(NaN); // special case: Number.isNaN
s.number().notEqual(NaN); // special case: !Number.isNaN

s.number().int(); // value must be an integer
s.number().safeInt(); // value must be a safe integer
s.number().finite(); // value must be finite

s.number().positive(); // .greaterThanOrEqual(0)
s.number().negative(); // .lessThan(0)

s.number().divisibleBy(5); // Divisible by 5

And transformations:

s.number().abs(); // Transforms the number to an absolute number
s.number().sign(); // Gets the number's sign

s.number().trunc(); // Transforms the number to the result of `Math.trunc`
s.number().floor(); // Transforms the number to the result of `Math.floor`
s.number().fround(); // Transforms the number to the result of `Math.fround`
s.number().round(); // Transforms the number to the result of `Math.round`
s.number().ceil(); // Transforms the number to the result of `Math.ceil`


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Shapeshift includes a handful of number-specific validations:

s.bigint().greaterThan(5n); // > 5n
s.bigint().greaterThanOrEqual(5n); // >= 5n
s.bigint().lessThan(5n); // < 5n
s.bigint().lessThanOrEqual(5n); // <= 5n
s.bigint().equal(5n); // === 5n
s.bigint().notEqual(5n); // !== 5n

s.bigint().positive(); // .greaterThanOrEqual(0n)
s.bigint().negative(); // .lessThan(0n)

s.bigint().divisibleBy(5n); // Divisible by 5n

And transformations:

s.bigint().abs(); // Transforms the bigint to an absolute bigint

s.bigint().intN(5); // Clamps to a bigint to a signed bigint with 5 digits, see BigInt.asIntN
s.bigint().uintN(5); // Clamps to a bigint to an unsigned bigint with 5 digits, see BigInt.asUintN


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Shapeshift includes a few boolean-specific validations:

s.boolean().true(); // value must be true
s.boolean().false(); // value must be false

s.boolean().equal(true); // s.boolean().true()
s.boolean().equal(false); // s.boolean().false()

s.boolean().notEqual(true); // s.boolean().false()
s.boolean().notEqual(false); // s.boolean().true()


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const stringArray = s.array(s.string());
const stringArray = s.string().array();

Shapeshift includes a handful of array-specific validations:

s.string().array().lengthLessThan(5); // Must have less than 5 elements
s.string().array().lengthLessThanOrEqual(5); // Must have 5 or less elements
s.string().array().lengthGreaterThan(5); // Must have more than 5 elements
s.string().array().lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(5); // Must have 5 or more elements
s.string().array().lengthEqual(5); // Must have exactly 5 elements
s.string().array().lengthNotEqual(5); // Must not have exactly 5 elements
s.string().array().lengthRange(0, 4); // Must have at least 0 elements and less than 4 elements (in math, that is [0, 4))
s.string().array().lengthRangeInclusive(0, 4); // Must have at least 0 elements and at most 4 elements (in math, that is [0, 4])
s.string().array().lengthRangeExclusive(0, 4); // Must have more than 0 element and less than 4 elements (in math, that is (0, 4))
s.string().array().unique(); // All elements must be unique. Deep equality is used to check for uniqueness.

Note: All .length methods define tuple types with the given amount of elements. For example, s.string().array().lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(2)'s inferred type is [string, string, ...string[]]


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Unlike arrays, tuples have a fixed number of elements and each element can have a different type:

const dish = s.tuple([
  s.string(), // Dish's name
  s.number().int(), // Table's number // Date the dish was ready for delivery

dish.parse(['Iberian ham', 10, new Date()]);


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Shapeshift includes a built-in method for composing OR types:

const stringOrNumber = s.union([s.string(), s.number()]);

stringOrNumber.parse('Sapphire'); // => 'Sapphire'
stringOrNumber.parse(42); // => 42
stringOrNumber.parse({}); // => throws CombinedError


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Enums are a convenience method that aliases s.union([s.literal(a), s.literal(b), ...]):

s.enum(['Red', 'Green', 'Blue']);
// s.union([s.literal('Red'), s.literal('Green'), s.literal('Blue')]);


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const map =, s.number());
// Map<string, number>


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const set = s.set(s.number());
// Set<number>


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You can use s.instance(Class) to check that the input is an instance of a class. This is useful to validate inputs against classes:

class User {
  public constructor(public name: string) {}

const userInstanceValidation = s.instance(User);
userInstanceValidation.parse(new User('Sapphire')); // => User { name: 'Sapphire' }
userInstanceValidation.parse('oops'); // => throws ValidatorError


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Record validations are similar to objects, but validate Record<string, T> types. Keep in mind this does not check for the keys, and cannot support validation for specific ones:

const tags = s.record(s.string());

tags.parse({ foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' }); // => { foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' }
tags.parse({ foo: 42 }); // => throws CombinedError
tags.parse('Hello'); // => throws ValidateError


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const typedArray = s.typedArray();
const int16Array = s.int16Array();
const uint16Array = s.uint16Array();
const uint8ClampedArray = s.uint8ClampedArray();
const int16Array = s.int16Array();
const uint16Array = s.uint16Array();
const int32Array = s.int32Array();
const uint32Array = s.uint32Array();
const float32Array = s.float32Array();
const float64Array = s.float64Array();
const bigInt64Array = s.bigInt64Array();
const bigUint64Array = s.bigUint64Array();

Shapeshift includes a handful of validations specific to typed arrays.

s.typedArray().lengthLessThan(5); // Length must be less than 5
s.typedArray().lengthLessThanOrEqual(5); // Length must be 5 or less
s.typedArray().lengthGreaterThan(5); // Length must be more than 5
s.typedArray().lengthGreaterThanOrEqual(5); // Length must be 5 or more
s.typedArray().lengthEqual(5); // Length must be exactly 5
s.typedArray().lengthNotEqual(5); // Length must not be 5
s.typedArray().lengthRange(0, 4); // Length L must satisfy 0 <= L < 4
s.typedArray().lengthRangeInclusive(0, 4); // Length L must satisfy 0 <= L <= 4
s.typedArray().lengthRangeExclusive(0, 4); // Length L must satisfy 0 < L < 4

Note that all of these methods have analogous methods for working with the typed array's byte length, s.typedArray().byteLengthX() - for instance, s.typedArray().byteLengthLessThan(5) is the same as s.typedArray().lengthLessThan(5) but for the array's byte length.

Defining schemas (objects)

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// Properties are required by default:
const animal = s.object({
  name: s.string(),
  age: s.number()

Utility types for TypeScript

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For object validation Shapeshift exports 2 utility types that can be used to extract interfaces from schemas and define the structure of a schema as an interface beforehand respectively.

Extracting an interface from a schema

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You can use the InferType type to extract the interface from a schema, for example:

import { InferType, s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

const schema = s.object({
  foo: s.string(),
  bar: s.number(),
  baz: s.boolean(),
  qux: s.bigint(),

type Inferredtype = InferType<typeof schema>;

// Expected type:
type Inferredtype = {
  foo: string;
  bar: number;
  baz: boolean;
  qux: bigint;
  quux: Date;
Defining the structure of a schema through an interface

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You can use the SchemaOf type to define the structure of a schema before defining the actual schema, for example:

import { s, SchemaOf } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

interface IIngredient {
  ingredientId: string | undefined;
  name: string | undefined;

interface IInstruction {
  instructionId: string | undefined;
  message: string | undefined;

interface IRecipe {
  recipeId: string | undefined;
  title: string;
  description: string;
  instructions: IInstruction[];
  ingredients: IIngredient[];

type InstructionSchemaType = SchemaOf<IInstruction>;
// Expected Type: ObjectValidator<IInstruction>

type IngredientSchemaType = SchemaOf<IIngredient>;
// Expected Type: ObjectValidator<IIngredient>

type RecipeSchemaType = SchemaOf<IRecipe>;
// Expected Type: ObjectValidator<IRecipe>

const instructionSchema: InstructionSchemaType = s.object({
  instructionId: s.string().optional(),
  message: s.string()

const ingredientSchema: IngredientSchemaType = s.object({
  ingredientId: s.string().optional(),
  name: s.string()

const recipeSchema: RecipeSchemaType = s.object({
  recipeId: s.string().optional(),
  title: s.string(),
  description: s.string(),
  instructions: s.array(instructionSchema),
  ingredients: s.array(ingredientSchema)


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You can add additional fields using either an object or an ObjectValidator, in this case, you will get a new object validator with the merged properties:

const animal = s.object({
  name: s.string().optional(),
  age: s.number()

const pet = animal.extend({
  owner: s.string().nullish()

const pet = animal.extend(
    owner: s.string().nullish()

If both schemas share keys, an error will be thrown. Please use .omit on the first object if you desire this behaviour.

.pick / .omit:

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Inspired by TypeScript's built-in Pick and Omit utility types, all object schemas have the aforementioned methods that return a modifier version:

const pkg = s.object({
  name: s.string(),
  description: s.string(),
  dependencies: s.string().array()

const justTheName = pkg.pick(['name']);
// s.object({ name: s.string() });

const noDependencies = pkg.omit(['dependencies']);
// s.object({ name: s.string(), description: s.string() });


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Inspired by TypeScript's built-in Partial utility type, all object schemas have the aforementioned method that makes all properties optional:

const user = s.object({
  username: s.string(),
  password: s.string()

Which is the same as doing:

const user = s.object({
  username: s.string().optional(),
  password: s.string().optional()


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Inspired by TypeScript's built-in Required utility type, all object schemas have the aforementioned method that makes all properties required:

const user = s.object({
  username: s.string().optional(),
  password: s.string().optional()

Which is the same as doing:

const user = s.object({
  username: s.string(),
  password: s.string()

Handling unrecognized keys

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By default, Shapeshift will not include keys that are not defined by the schema during parsing:

const person = s.object({
  framework: s.string()

  framework: 'Sapphire',
  awesome: true
// => { name: 'Sapphire' }


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You can disallow unknown keys with .strict. If the input includes any unknown keys, an error will be thrown.

const person = s.object({
  framework: s.string()

  framework: 'Sapphire',
  awesome: true
// => throws ValidationError


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You can use the .ignore getter to reset an object schema to the default behaviour (ignoring unrecognized keys).


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You can use the .passthrough getter to make the validator add the unrecognized properties the shape does not have, from the input.

BaseValidator: methods and properties

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All validations in Shapeshift contain certain methods.

  • .run(data: unknown): Result<T, Error>: given a validation, you can call this method to check whether or not the

    input is valid. If it is, a Result with success: true and a deep-cloned value will be returned with the given constraints and transformations. Otherwise, a Result with success: false and an error is returned.

  • .parse(data: unknown): T: given a validations, you can call this method to check whether or not the input is valid.

    If it is, a deep-cloned value will be returned with the given constraints and transformations. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

  • .transform<R>((value: T) => R): NopValidator<R>: adds a constraint that modifies the input:

import { s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

const getLength = s.string().transform((value) => value.length);
getLength.parse('Hello There'); // => 11

⚠️ .transform's functions must not throw. If a validation error is desired to be thrown, .reshape instead.

  • .reshape<R>((value: T) => Result<R, Error> | IConstraint): NopValidator<R>: adds a constraint able to both validate

    and modify the input:
import { s, Result } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

const getLength = s.string().reshape((value) => Result.ok(value.length));
getLength.parse('Hello There'); // => 11

⚠️ .reshape's functions must not throw. If a validation error is desired to be thrown, use Result.err(error) instead.

  • .default(value: T | (() => T)): transform undefined into the given value or the callback's returned value:

const name = s.string().default('Sapphire');
name.parse('Hello'); // => 'Hello'
name.parse(undefined); // => 'Sapphire'
const number = s.number().default(Math.random);
number.parse(12); // => 12
number.parse(undefined); // => 0.989911985608602
number.parse(undefined); // => 0.3224350185068794

⚠️ The default values are not validated.

  • .optional: a convenience method that returns a union of the type with s.undefined().

s.string().optional(); // s.union(s.string(), s.undefined())
  • .nullable: a convenience method that returns a union of the type with s.nullable().

s.string().nullable(); // s.union(s.string(), s.nullable())
  • .nullish: a convenience method that returns a union of the type with s.nullish().

s.string().nullish(); // s.union(s.string(), s.nullish())
  • .array: a convenience method that returns an ArrayValidator with the type.

s.string().array(); // s.array(s.string())
  • .or: a convenience method that returns an UnionValidator with the type. This method is also overridden in

    UnionValidator to just append one more entry.
// => s.union(s.string(), s.number())

s.object({ name: s.string() }).or(s.string(), s.number());
// => s.union(s.object({ name: s.string() }), s.string(), s.number())
  • .when: Adjust the schema based on a sibling or sinbling children fields.

For using when you provide an object literal where the key is is undefined, a value, or a matcher function; then provides the schema when is resolves truthy, and otherwise provides the schema when is resolves falsey.

Available options for providing is

When is is not provided (=== undefined) it is strictly resolved as Boolean(value) wherein value is the current value of the referenced sibling. Note that if multiple siblings are referenced then all the values of the array need to resolve truthy for the is to resolve truthy.

When is is a primitive literal it is strictly compared (===) to the current value.

If you want to use a different form of equality you can provide a function like: is: (value) => value === true.

Resolving of the key (first) parameter

For resolving the key parameter to its respective value we use lodash/get. This means that every way that Lodash supports resolving a key to its respective value is also supported by Shapeshift. This includes:

  • Simply providing a string or number like 'name' or 1.
  • Providing a string or number with a dot notation like 'name.first' (representative of a nested object structure of { 'name': { 'first': 'Sapphire' } } => resolves to Sapphire).
  • Providing a string or number with a bracket notation like 'name[0]' (representative of an array structure of { 'name': ['Sapphire', 'Framework'] } => resolves to Sapphire).
  • Providing a string or number with a dot and bracket notation like 'name[1].first' (representative of a nested object structure of { 'name': [{ 'first': 'Sapphire' }, { 'first': 'Framework' }] } => resolves to Framework).

Let's start with a basic example:

const whenPredicate = s.object({
  booleanLike: s.boolean(),
  numberLike: s.number().when('booleanLike', {
    then: (schema) => schema.greaterThanOrEqual(5),
    otherwise: (schema) => schema.lessThanOrEqual(5)

whenPredicate.parse({ booleanLike: true, numberLike: 6 });
// => { booleanLike: true, numberLike: 6 }

whenPredicate.parse({ booleanLike: true, numberLike: 4 });
// => ExpectedConstraintError('s.number().greaterThanOrEqual', 'Invalid number value', 4, 'expected >= 5')

whenPredicate.parse({ booleanLike: false, numberLike: 4 });
// => { booleanLike: false, numberLike: 4 }

The provided key can also be an array of sibling children:

const whenPredicate = s.object({
  booleanLike: s.boolean(),
  stringLike: s.string(),
  numberLike: s.number().when(['booleanLike', 'stringLike'], {
	is: ([booleanLikeValue, stringLikeValue]) => booleanLikeValue === true && stringLikeValue === 'foobar',
    then: (schema) => schema.greaterThanOrEqual(5),
    otherwise: (schema) => schema.lessThanOrEqual(5)

whenPredicate.parse({ booleanLike: true, stringLike: 'foobar', numberLike: 6 });
// => { booleanLike: true, numberLike: 6 }

whenPredicate.parse({ booleanLike: true, stringLike: 'barfoo', numberLike: 4 });
// => ExpectedConstraintError('s.number().greaterThanOrEqual', 'Invalid number value', 4, 'expected >= 5')

whenPredicate.parse({ booleanLike: false, stringLike: 'foobar' numberLike: 4 });
// => ExpectedConstraintError('s.number().greaterThanOrEqual', 'Invalid number value', 4, 'expected >= 5')

Enabling and disabling validation

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At times, you might want to have a consistent code base with validation, but would like to keep validation to the strict necessities instead of the in-depth constraints available in shapeshift. By calling setGlobalValidationEnabled you can disable validation at a global level, and by calling setValidationEnabled you can disable validation on a per-validator level.

When setting the validation enabled status per-validator, you can also set it to null to use the global setting.

import { setGlobalValidationEnabled } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

import { s } from '@sapphire/shapeshift';

const predicate = s.string().lengthGreaterThan(5).setValidationEnabled(false);

Buy us some doughnuts

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Sapphire Community is and always will be open source, even if we don't get donations. That being said, we know there are amazing people who may still want to donate just to show their appreciation. Thank you very much in advance!

We accept donations through Open Collective, Ko-fi, Paypal, Patreon and GitHub Sponsorships. You can use the buttons below to donate through your method of choice.

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Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Sapphire!