In this document we will dive into the database structure and some guidelines to keep in mind when adding new entries to the database.
Database table containing all Hop info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Aroma | Text description of the aroma |
BrewingUsage | FK to LookupBrewingUsage table |
Name | Name of the hop |
Pedigree | Text explaining how the hop was cultivated |
AlphaMax | Maximum amount of alpha acid as a percentage of total weight of the hop |
AlphaMin | Minimum amount of alpha acid as a percentage of total weight of the hop |
BetaMax | Maximum amount of beta acid as a percentage of total weight of the hop |
BetaMin | Minimum amount of beta acid as a percentage of total weight of the hop |
CoHumuloneMax | Maximum amount of cohumulone as a percentage of total alpha acids |
CoHumuloneMin | Minimum amount of cohumulone as a percentage of total alpha acids |
Info | Text giving information about the hop |
Styles | Text description of suitable styles to use this hop |
TotalOilMax | Maximum amount of oil in ml/100g |
TotalOilMin | Minimum amount of oil in ml/100g |
TradeInfo | Text description on how to use the hop and 'trade secrets' |
If a hop is available from multiple countries, seperate entries must be created and the hop name should be suffixed with
' (<countryCcode>)'
. Hops with a single variety should not have a country code suffix.
Database table linking hops to each other as substitutes
Column | Description |
HopId | FK to the Hops table Id of the parent hop |
SubId | FL to the Hops table Id of the possible substitute hop |
Database table adding aliases to a hop name
Column | Description |
HopId | FK to the Hops table Id |
Name | Alias name for the Hop |
Database table linking aromas to a hop
Column | Description |
HopId | FK to the Hops table Id |
Profile | FK to the LookupAroma table |
Database table containing all aroma info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Short text description of the aroma |
Database table containing all brewing usage info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Short text description of the brewing usage |
Database table containing all Malt info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the malt |
Description | Text description of the malt |
EBCMin | Minimum EBC value |
EBCMax | Maximum EBC value |
Maltser | FK to the LookupMaltser table |
Ratio | Maximum percentage of the grist |
Yield | Maximum percentage of the weight as soluble extract |
Grain | FK to LookupGrainType table id |
Moisture | Maximum moisture content |
DiastaticPower | Grain’s enzymatic content in Windisch-Kolbach units |
TotalNitrogen | Measure of total nitrogen content of the grain (IoB) |
KolbachIndex | Relation of soluble protein to total nitrogen |
TotalProtein | Measure of total proteincontent of the grain |
SNR | Soluble Nitrogen Ratio. Soluble Nitrogen divided by Total Nitrogen (IoB) |
If a malt is available from multiple maltsters under the same malt name, seperate entries should be created All figures correspond to EBC values, unless otherwise noted Where a range of value are offered on a Maltster's analysis sheet, e.g. a Kolbach Index of 43-48 or Total Nitrogen of 1.30-1.60%, the highest number has been used.
Database table containing all maltser info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the maltser |
Database table containing all grain type info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Type of Grain |
Database table containing all Yeast info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the yeast |
Description | Text description of the yeast |
TempMin | Minimum temperature the yeast will ferment |
TempMax | Maximum temperature the yeast will ferment |
Lab | |
AttenuationMin | Minimum percentage of attenuation |
AttenuationMax | Maximum percentage of attenuation |
Form | FK to LookupYeastForm table Id |
Flocculation | FK to LookupYeastFlocculation table Id |
Styles | Text description of suitable styles |
Strain | FK to LookupYeastStrain table Id |
AlcoholTolerance | Maximum ethanol tolerance in fermentation |
Database table containing all lab info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the lab |
Database table containing all yeast form info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the yeast form |
Database table containing all yeast flocculation info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the yeast flocculation level |
Database table containing all yeast strain info
Column | Description |
Id | Unique Id |
Name | Name of the strain of yeast |