SoSciKit is an open source web application (MIT license) that simplifies the process of data analysis - making it accessible to a wider community. Based on Python scientific libraries and Flask, the web application allows people to use a number of statistical libraries written in Python through an intuitive graphical user interface with no prerequisite of being either a programmer or a statistician. At the moment the application allows you to perform monovariate, bivariate, cross tabulation and k-mean classification operations. In addition, it allows you to recode categorical variables and create typologies.
You need a python interpeter installed on PC / Server. You need Python 3 (tested 3.6 - 3.7) to run this package. Other dependencies can be found in the requirements files
You can install using the pip package manager by running
pip3.x install soscikit
You can start SoScikit by running
python3.x -m soscikit
it starts an HTTP server and you can access it locally in your browser at
The package is actively maintained and developed as open-source software. If SoSciKit was helpful or interesting to you, you might want to get involved. There are several ways of contributing and helping. If you would like to be a industry partner or sponsor, please drop us a line.
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