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Translations in languages other than English are machine translated and are not yet accurate. No errors have been fixed yet as of May 5th 2021. Please report translation errors here make sure to backup your correction with sources and guide me, as I don't know languages other than English well (I plan on getting a translator eventually) please cite wiktionary and other sources in your report. Failing to do so will result in a rejection of the correction being published.

SMS Messaging with Sean

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00.0 - Top

01.0 - Index

02.0 - Description

03.0 - About

04.0 - Wiki

05.0 - Version history

06.0 - Software status

07.0 - Contributers

08.0 - Issues

08.1 - Current issues

08.2 - Past issues

08.3 - Past pull requests

08.4 - Active pull requests

09.0 - Resources

10.0 - Contributing

11.0 - Guide

11.0.1 - Terminal

11.0.2 - Text times

11.0.3 - Response rate

11.0.4 - Translations

11.0.5 - Sensitive info

11.0.6 - Emoji

11.0.7 - Special effects

11.0.8 - Phone calls

11.0.9 - Emergency contact

11.0.10 - How to add me to your contacts

11.0.11 - Sample pictures

11.0.12 - Group chats

11.0.13 - Advertising

11.0.14 - AMPutate your links

11.0.15 - Facebook and Instagram

11.0.16 - Stickers

12.0 - About README

13.0 - README Version history

14.0 - Footer


General info on the rules, responses, time, language, privacy, and security of messaging with me via SMS.


See above. This repository is a guide to messaging me via text. Despite this project using the term SMS, it is actually full-on texting support. Prior to a May 5th 2021 edit, I just associated SMS as text messaging. It is still being used as a loose term.


Click/tap here to view this projects Wiki

Version history

Not yet available

Software status

All of my works are free some restrictions. DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) is not present in any of my works.


This sticker is supported by the Free Software Foundation. I never intend to include DRM in my works.

I am ussing the abbreviation "Digital Restrictions Management" instead of the more known "Digital Rights Management" as the common way of addressing it is false, there are no rights with DRM. The spelling "Digital Restrictions Management" is more accurate, and is supported by Richard M. Stallman (RMS) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)

This section is used to raise awareness for the problems with DRM, and also to protest it. DRM is defective by design and is a major threat to all computer users and software freedom.

Image credit:


Currently, I am the only contributer. Contributing is not allowed for this project from others, as this is a personal project.

    1. seanpm2001 - 24 commits (As of Wednesday, May 5th 2021 at 8:17 pm)
    1. No other contributers.


Current issues


  • No other current issues

Past issues

None at the moment

Past pull requests

None at the moment

Active pull requests

None at the moment


Here are some other resources for this project:

Project language file

Join the discussion on GitHub




GitHub profile

No other resources at the moment.


Contributing is not allowed for this project, as it is a personal project.

Click/tap here to view the contributing rules for this project


This is the guide to texting me.


I am working on a command line system for SMS messaging that will automatically take certain inputs and respond for you when I am not available, or when you need common info.

Here is the planned terminal system (incomplete)

If location=undefined {

ComPeriod=int(1100, 2000); // 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
str MessageFreq(MessageFrequency = "very_low");

Messages in this format are automated and are processed through a server when they start with ;\//:


timeRule sleep = 2300 # Sets the sleep time to 11:00 pm PST
print "hello world" # Everything after the # is treated as a comment and ignored
stop.log # Stops message archive collection
start.log # Resumes message archive collection (command currently unavailable)

@a - messages everyone

@e - also messages everyone

@pst - shows current Pacific Standard Time

This little code will prevent your next message from being sent and will just enter it as a command. The bytecode itself will not be sent as a message/


The complex 6 char bytecode is so that no conversation will trigger its usage.

These commands are coming soon


schoolday = true

When you define that you go to school:

Phone calls disabled

Communication period: ask for before and after each day, once a week, or once a month

Content type=SFW

Text times

Times I automatically won't respond: random, I respond when I am available between 8:00 am and 11:00 pm.

Times you can't text: none (text me any time of the day or night. Just note that I might not get to you. I try to respond, but I won't be able to respond if I am sleeping, or working)

Times you can't text without punishment: during a lecture at school, during a job meeting, etc. generally, just avoid this. As much as school seems like it sucks, it is still helpful, and it wouldn't be worth losing your phone, making the teachers job more difficult (teachers really are under-appreciated) and disrupting your class over this. Wait until after school, or when your school gives you time to be on your phone (such as during a lunch break, on the bus, before or after school, etc.)

Response rate

Response rate: I currently don't respond very frequently at certain times of the day. Sometimes it may seem like I have abandoned the conversation, but actually I might just not know how to respond


My preferred language is English (I will translate messages in other languages, although I may not understand it, due to the rate of errors in machine translation)

Sensitive info

Do not EVER share my phone number online (or with others) my phone number currently needs to remain semi-private.

Other sensitive info to never text to me includes:

  • Passwords

  • Sensitive email addresses

  • Social Security number

  • Your PIN

  • Credit/Debit card numbers

  • Other info of this type

Also, do not text me any of the following:

  • Genital pictures

  • Other sexual pictures (pictures can contain sexual humor, just don't send me this too much)

  • Pornography/erotica

  • Gore videos and images

I will block you on the spot if you send any of these 4.

You can send me almost anything else, such as:

  • Memes (anytime you want, any platform you choose. Note: I do not have a bias for Reddit memes, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, iFunny, 9Gag,, memecenter, or other meme sites, unless the site is a anti-semitic support site)

Unfortunately, I have to limit you to 256 memes per day. I have to set some boundary. It is likely you will never need to send so many in a 24 hour period anyway.

  • Nature pictures

  • Questions (Tech support, technical, opinion, other)

  • Pet pictures

  • Other


My device currently supports Emojis from Emoji 1.0 to Emoji 12.0 (As of March 10th 2021) I am fine with Emoji usage, just keep it in moderation. Unless you are sending me a copypasta, messages with text shouldn't contain an excessive amount of emojis (such as 1 for every word) responding with just a few emojis is fine, again just remember to keep it in moderation.

Special effects

My device does not support special effects (such as Confetti) it will send as a broken message, but I will still receive, I just won't see the animation.

Phone calls

I do not accept phone calls from anyone unless it is a close family member or support group

Emergency contact

You can add me as an emergency contact, but I am not able to travel out to help you at the moment. I can help with emotional or mental problems. I will be one of your resources for this.

How to add me to your contacts

Android guide - Warning: link

iOS guide Lesser warning: link

Other OS: unavailable at the moment

Sample pictures

Do you want to add a custom picture of me but don't want to ask? Here is a collection of 20 sample pictures you can use as my contact if you can't find anything else:

View all sample pictures here

Group chats

Please ask me before adding me to a group chat, or else I might have to block your number to prevent mine from getting leaked


You can send me good or bad advertisements and give your thoughts on them/ask me for my thoughts on them. Just don't send me an ad link

Also, I don't use your texting data for advertisements EVER. I have no use for them in the process of ad production

AMPutate your links

If you are using Google Search, Google Chrome, or a mixture of the 2, please do not send me Google AMP links. I will not respond to them. Google made a service called AMP that threatens the open Internet and gives Google control of how a website should function. Ever since Google Chrome 69, the full URL is hidden in the address bar. When sending me a link, look for the following:

And take it out.

Also note that I don't accept links to Google owned sites (this includes YouTube) send me a YouTube link when you absolutely cannot find it anywhere else (Vimeo, DailyMotion, BitTube, Reddit, Twitter, etc.)

Also check out Google AMP anti- and my Degoogle Campaign.

Facebook and Instagram

I do not have an accessible FB (FaceBook) or IG (Instagram) account, so I can't view what you send me through here.


You can send me stickers, but use them in moderation. Also, try to use them creatively, and a reward will be sent your way.


File type: Markdown (*.md)

File version: 2 (Wednesday, May 5th 2021 at 8:20 pm)

Line count: 0,523

README version history

View older versions of this article (click/tap here to expand/collapse)

Version 1 (Wednesday, March 10th 2021 at 2:15 pm)


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the index
  • Added the about section
  • Added the Wiki section
  • Added the version history section
  • Added the issues section.
  • Added the past issues section
  • Added the past pull requests section
  • Added the active pull requests section
  • Added the contributors section
  • Added the contributing section
  • Added the about README section
  • Added a software status section, with a DRM free sticker and message
  • Added the resources section
  • Added the guide section
  • Added the Terminal subsection
  • Added the Text times subsection
  • Added the Response rate subsection
  • Added the Translations subsection
  • Added the Sensitive info subsection
  • Added the Emoji subsection
  • Added the Special effects subsection
  • Added the Phone calls subsection
  • Added the Emergency contact subsection
  • Added the How to add me to your contacts subsection
  • Added the Sample pictures subsection
  • Added the Group chats subsection
  • Added the Advertising subsection
  • Added the AMPutate your links subsection
  • Added the Facebook and Instagram subsection
  • Added the stickers subsection
  • Added the README version history section
  • No other changes in version 1

Version 2 (Wednesday, May 5th 2021 at 8:17 pm)


  • Fixed translation links
  • Heavy cleanup and fixes to the article, taking out and adding many sections
  • Updated the about section
  • Updated the file info section
  • Updated the file history section (made it into a dropdown, something new I have started doing with Markdown today)
  • No other changes in version 2

Version 3 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 3

Version 4 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon
  • No other changes in version 4

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General info on the rules, responses, time, language, privacy, and security of messaging with me via SMS.




Code of conduct





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