redis lets you perform simple operations on a fast in-memory (and persisted) store.
It's basically a key value store, where the keys are strings, and the values can be any of five+ basic types. Links below show you the functions you can apply to each type.
- string. (Can be anything, redis don't care) (if it's an integer, it can be incremented (atomically) tho!)
- lists (queues, you can push and pop... actually you can left pop, right pop, left push, right push!)
- sets (unordered sets) you can add members, union sets
- zsets (an ordered set) Each member has a score. the set is sorted by the score.
- hashes (maps between string fields and string values)
- Hyperloglog uhhh....
- Coming soon.
All types are accessed by keys. Keys are strings.
- Getting started with Redis on AppHarbor (30 meg free)
- Karl Seguin's 'little redis book' just 29 glorious pages