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File metadata and controls

33 lines (28 loc) · 3.05 KB

Developer's Guide


We will develop this program under Windows 10.


Below lists the libraries that I used:

  • CGAL: Version 5.1.1
  • boost: Dependency of CGAL, Version 1.75
  • QT: IDE for development, convenient to create UI, Version 5.15.2 (msvc2019_64)

I will attach the CGAL and boost library here. Download and put them in C:/dev

You can add the QT library in the IDE. Make sure it is QT5.15 msvc2019_64.


A general overview:

  • CMakelists.txt: information about library linking in compilation
  • main.cpp: generated files for UI where I haven't touched
  • mainwindow.ui: If you double click this file, QT takes you to the UI page where you can modify the UI
  • mainwindow.h, mainwindow.cpp: generated files for UI. The UI logics are defined here. For example, if you add a button, the button logic are defined in these files. To learn more about UI logic, Google "QT slots and signals".
  • Analyzer.cpp, Analyzer.h: These two files defines Analyzing functions in the Analyzer class.
  • parameter.h: parameter to the Analyzer object
  • objects.h: defines some CGAL objects
  • result.h, result.cpp: class definitions for storing Analyzer results.
  • utility.h, utility.cpp: some utility functions

Example workflow and how it's related to the code

  1. User opens DentalAnalyzer.exe, they will see the UI, which is defined in mainwindow.ui.
  2. User click buttons to input their 3D model files, the buttons' logic are defined in mainwindow.h and mainwindow.cpp. Most of these buttons will read the input string and store it in a parameter object. The parameter class is defined in parameter.h.
  3. When the user click "Analyze", it will trigger the on_pushButtonAnalyze_clicked() function in mainwindow.cpp. This function will create a analyer object and run its analyzer() function in a new thread. If you directly run it, the mainwindow will freeze because the main thread is busy running the analyze function.
  4. The Analyzer::analyze() function will read in the models, and run the compute functions. When running the functions, the result will be saved to the student_result variable in Analyzer object.
  5. When you export the result as csv using the button, the result object from the previous step will be used and write data to a csv file.