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React on Rails

This lab is important because:

React is a front-end library that we use to manipulate the DOM, but we are full-stack developers and should be able to serve up these files on a server.

What are the objectives?

After this workshop, developers will be able to:

  • Create and serve up React components from a rails server
  • Make a full-stack React app

Where we should be now?

Before this workshop, developers should already be able to:

  • Write full-stack ruby-on-rails applications that render views: ERB / HAML
  • Deeper Knowledge of build tools, and their importance
  • Some ES6 and JSX code

Introduction and Instructions:

In this lab we are going to be creating a React app that has a rails backend. What we will be doing with rails is setting our app to serve up API endpoints and have React manipulate data that is found on those endpoints.

Setting Up a Basic Rails API:

This is something new to rails 5 where we are able to have our rails application only render JSON. We are not going to render any views like we usually do when we do a generate. This is awesome... JavaScript is awesome.

How do we create a new rails app?

Solution ```rails new react_clock_blog```

Now, lets create our Model. How do we do this in rails?

Solution ```ruby rails g model Post title:string description:text

rails db:migrate


### Lets add some data to our DB. How should we do this?


10.times { Post.create!(title: "Blog Posting All Dayyy", description: "Lorem what... Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Cool we'll delete these laterzzz!") }

rails db:seed


### Now lets move onto our controllers

With us creating a JSON only view for rails we need to bring in some helper gems to convert / or parse code for us. This is similar to body-parser in express.

gem 'responders'

Lets add this to our gem file and bundle.

## New Concepts in Rails 5

Here we are going to edit our controllers to just send us JSON objects to the view.

In our application controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  protect_from_forgery with: :null_session

Null_session is going to stop sending us a view and will just respond with JSON

Now lets create our API controllers

We are going to make a new directory in our controllers file and call it api with a couple of files in it.

In terminal we can use these commands:

mkdir app/controllers/api

touch app/controllers/api/base_controller.rb

touch app/controllers/api/posts_controller.rb

Now we need to tell our base controller that we are going send JSON to our front-end.

class Api::BaseController < ApplicationController
  respond_to :json

respond_to is from our gem

Now we can build our crud actions in our items_controller

Solution Code ```ruby class Api::PostsController < Api::BaseController def index respond_with Post.all end

def create respond_with :api, Post.create(post_params) end

def destroy respond_with Post.destroy(params[:id]) end

def update post = Post.find(params["id"]) post.update_attributes(post_params) respond_with post, json: item end


def post params params.require(:post).permit(:id, :title, :description) end end


And our routes are going to look a little different since we are going one directory deeper.

Check this code out:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  namespace :api do
    resources :posts, only: [:index, :create, :destroy, :update]

Check out what you've made so far! localhost:3000/api/posts.json

If you see JSON you're good to go!

Now comes React

We'll first build a controller where React is going to live

rails g controller pages index

And we'll set this as our root route

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root 'pages#index'

Let's add our react gem!

gem 'react-rails'


rails g react:install

Take a moment and see where React installed to... Our front-end assets.

Creating our first React component in rails

Lets make our view for React

and add to index view

<%= react_component 'Main' %>

In your components folder lets make our first JSX file in rails:

  touch app/assets/javascripts/components/_main.js.jsx

And lets make a Main component that returns Hello World (try to do this on your own) Hint we need to use React.createClass in rails.

Solution Code: ```js const Main = React.createClass ({ render () { return (

Hello, World!

) } }) ```

Lets spin up those severs and see if hello world has come through!

And we are set up!

Now try to mess around with nyan cat and our components. I have a challenge below if you would like to try it...


Try to get our posts in our database to show up with setting state and mounting our components.