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File metadata and controls

386 lines (290 loc) · 33.4 KB

VS Code Maximo Development Tools

Deploy Maximo Automation Scripts and Maximo screen definitions directly from Visual Studio Code.

The extension allows developers to describe the automation script through the use of a scriptConfig variable and then deploy the script directly to Maximo from Visual Studio Code. The provided SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.DEPLOY automation script provides support for build pipelines and automated deployment of automation scripts from a Git repository.


Visual Studio Code Settings

After installation you must provide connection details for your target instance of Maximo. The connection settings are found in the VS Code Settings (⌘ + , or ctrl + ,) under the Maximo heading. The table below provides a list of the available settings.

Maximo Settings

The following are settings available under the Sharptree > Maximo group.

Setting Default Description
Allow Untrusted Certs false When checked, ignores SSL validation rules.
API Key The Maximo API key that will be used to access Maximo. If provided, the user name and password are ignored if configured.
Context maximo The part of the URL that follows the hostname, by default it is maximo.
Custom CA The full chain for the server CA in PEM format.
Extract Inspection Forms Location Current open folder Directory where extracted inspection files will be stored.
Extract Location Current open folder Directory where extracted script files will be stored.
Extract Screen Location Current open folder Directory where extracted screen XML files will be stored.
Host The Maximo host name without the http/s protocol prefix.
Maxauth Only false Both Maxauth and Basic headers are usually sent for login, however on WebLogic if Basic fails the Maxauth header is ignored. When checked, only the Maxauth header is sent.
Port 443 The Maximo port number, 80 for http, 443 for https or your custom port such as 9080.
Timeout 30 The time in seconds to wait for Maximo to respond.
User The user that will be used to connect to Maximo.
Use SSL true When checked, SSL will be used, the provided port must be configured for SSL

The Authentication Type setting has been removed and replaced with automatic detection of authentication type.


A file named .devtools-config.json can be created in the root directory of the project folder to override the VS Code settings. This file is a JSON formatted and contains the setting attributes to override, any settings not included in the file will be taken from the VS Code settings.

The password and apiKey attributes will be automatically encrypted on first use. If the password or apiKey needs to be updated, the encrypted value can be replaced with the new plain text value, which will again be automatically encrypted on first use.


    "host":"The Maximo host name",
    "username":"The Maximo username",
    "password":"The Maximo user's password",
    "apiKey":"A Maximo API key",
    "ca":"A PEM formatted CA",
    "extractLocation":"Path to the script extract directory",
    "extractLocationScreens":"Path to the screens extract directory",
    "extractLocationForms":"Path to the forms extract directory",
    "extractLocationReports":"Path to the reports extract directory",

Since .devtools-config.json may contain sensitive connection information it should never be checked into Git. A .gitignore entry for .devtools-config.json is automatically created the first time the .devtools-config.json is used by the extension to ensure that it is not accidentally included in a commit.

Logging Settings

The following are settings available under the Sharptree > Maximo > Logging group.

Setting Default Description
Append true When checked, appends to the current log file.
Follow true When checked, if the current log is displayed in the editor the cursor will remain at the end of the file.
Open Editor On Start true When checked, opens the log file editor when logging is started.
Output File The absolute or relative path to the log file. If using a relative path, it will be relative to the current open folder.
Timeout 30 The number of seconds between requests for the log file, this should be less than the connection timeout.

Maximo Configuration

The very first time you connect to Maximo, this extension will add several required automation scripts to Maximo. To deploy these scripts, the extension requires that you be in the Maximo Administrators group and have access to the MXSCRIPT object structure. To perform the configuration, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Deploy Automation Script. You will be prompted for a password and then a dialog will be displayed prompting you to configure Maximo.

Configure Maximo Prompt

Click the Yes button to proceed. The configuration should take less than a minute and a progress indicator will be displayed in the bottom right of the screen.

Configure Maximo Progress

Upon completion a dialog will be displayed confirming the configuration was successful.

Configuration Complete

The extension is now ready to deploy automation scripts. After the initial configuration, any user that is in the Maximo Administrators group or has been granted the Deploy Automation Script permission under the SHARPTREE_UTILS object structure as shown below can deploy scripts from Visual Studio Code.

Sharptree Utils Deploy Automation Script Permission

For log streaming, any user that is in the Maximo Administrators group or has been granted the Stream Log permission under the LOGGING application as shown below, has access to stream the Maximo log to Visual Studio Code.

Logging Stream Log Permission

Maximo Configuration Details

As part of the configuration, an integration object named SHARPTREE_UTILS is created and the automation scripts listed below are also created.

Script Description
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.ADMIN Script for managing Maximo administrative actions.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.DEPLOY The primary script used for deploying and managing automation scripts.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.DEPLOY.HISTORY Created after the first script is deployed. Contains a JSON with a history of all scripts deployed.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.EXTRACT Script for extracting scripts from Maximo.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.FORM Script for managing inspection forms.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.LIBRARY Script library for applying deployment object defined in JSON deploy files.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.LOGGING Script for streaming the Maximo log.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.REPORT Script for managing BIRT reports.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.SCREENS Script for managing Maximo screen definitions.
SHARPTREE.AUTOSCRIPT.STORE Script for managing the storage of the deploy history.

scriptConfig Variable

Each script must define a variable named scriptConfig that is a JSON object describing how to deploy the script. The extension uses these values to populate the corresponding values of the AUTOSCRIPT and SCRIPTLAUNCHPOINT Maximo Business Objects. At a minimum the autoscript attribute is required, all other attributes are optional. All configuration attributes are available and are defined by their label name without spaces, in camel case. The example below provides the basic structure.

A properties, maxvars, or messages property may be included within the scriptConfig. Each of these is a JavaScript array (enclosed in brackets []), of objects with each property corresponding to the Maximo attribute name for the value. Each value in the array will create or update a Maximo property, maxvars, or message. A special property of "delete":"true" can be specified to delete a property, maxvar, or message in the target system. For a property entry a property of initialPropValue can be provided to set the initial value of the property if it does not already exist in the system.

All value names within the scriptConfig map to the application label, without spaces and in camel case. For example if the label in the application is Before Save the corresponding value name is beforeSave.

On Deploy Properties

There are three options for triggering script actions when a script is deployed. The onDeploy property can be defined with a value specifying the name of a function within in the deployed script that will be called when the script is deployed, the onDeployScript property can be defined with the name of another script that will be invoked when the the current script is deployed or if a script with the same name as the current script with .DEPLOY appended to the name exists, it will be automatically invoked. The deploy script will automatically be delete after execution unless the deleteDeployScript property is set to false.

The following four global variables are provided to the deployment scripts.

Variable Type Description
onDeploy boolean Variable that can be checked within a script to determine if it is being run at deploy time.
request The OslcRequest object for the process deploying the script.
service The standard service class provided to all automation scripts.
userInfo The UserInfo object for the current user.

When using a script for deploy actions, that script file may be named the same as the primary script with -deploy or .deploy appended to the file name and with the same extension to have it automatically deployed with the primary script. For example if a script is contained in a file named example.js the deployment script can be saved in a file named example-deploy.js or example.deploy.js and the deployment script will be deployed to Maximo first so it is available to be called by the primary script at deploy time.

JSON Deploy File

As of version 1.13.0 a JSON document can be used to define select objects to deploy along with the script. Providing a JSON file with the same name as the primary script, with a .json file extension will cause the tooling to deploy the objects defined in the JSON document along with the script.

Currently Cron Tasks, Domains, Loggers, Maximo Objects, Messages and Properties are available. Additional Maximo data types will be added in future releases based on feedback and demand. The JSON schemas for these objects are provided below.

JSON Pre-deploy File

As of version 1.14.0 there is support for a JSON deploy file that is applied prior to deploying the automation script. To have the JSON deploy file applied prior to deploying the automation script, name the file the same as the primary script with .predeploy.json as the suffix. The extension will automatically find the file and apply it before deploying the automation script.

For example if a script is contained in a file named example.js the pre-deploy JSON file will be named example.predeploy.json.

Object Type Schema
Cron Task

Example Deploy JSON

Below is an example deploy JSON that will create or update two messages and a property and then delete the third message example.exampleMessage3.

    "messages": [
            "msgGroup": "example",
            "msgKey": "exampleMessage",
            "value": "An example message"
            "msgGroup": "example",
            "msgKey": "exampleMessage2",
            "value": "An example message 2"
            "delete": true,
            "msgGroup": "example",
            "msgKey": "exampleMessage3"
            "description":"Example property",
            "propValue":"Example value"

Deploying Maximo Objects

When deploying a Maximo Object, by default Maximo will be placed in Admin Mode if required and a database configuration performed. The top level boolean properties noAdminMode and noDBConfig can be set to not perform a configuration if it requires Admin Mode or skip the database configuration completely.

Note: When deploying a Maximo Object with Admin Mode and Database Configuration, the user must have Maximo permissions to place Maximo in Admin Mode and run Database Configuration.

If a configuration requires Maximo to be in Admin Mode a confirmation dialog will be displayed, requiring confirmation before the configurations are applied. If the configurations are not applied, the script will also not be deployed, however the configurations will be staged and can be manually applied at a later time.

Deploy Maximo Object

Prettier Compatibility

Maximo requires that JavaScript objects have quoted properties, as shown below. If you are using Prettier as your code formatter it may automatically remove these quotes, which will result in errors when deploying. To retain the quotes go to the Visual Studio Code Settings (⌘ + , or ctrl + ,), select Prettier, then find the Quote Props setting and select the preserve option.

Prettier>Quote Props>preserve

JavaScript / Nashorn Example


function main(){
    // entry point for the script.

var scriptConfig = {
    "description":"An example script for deployment",
            "description":"An example variable"
            "description":"An example launch point for Labor",
                "varBindingValue":"Example binding"

Python / Jython

For Python / Jython scripts the same JSON script configuration is used, just triple quote it as a string value.

def main():
    # entry point for the script.


scriptConfig = """{
    "description":"An example script for deployment",
            "description":"An example variable"
            "description":"An example launch point for Labor",
                "varBindingValue":"Example binding"


Deploy to Maximo

To deploy a script, screen definition or inspection form, open script, screen definition or inspection form extract in Visual Studio Code, then bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Deploy to Maximo. If this is the first time deploying a script or screen definition after starting Visual Studio Code you will be prompted for your Maximo password as this extension does not store passwords. The script or screen definition is then deployed as seen below.

Deploy Script

Deploy Automation Script

When deploying an automation script, after the script has been deployed you can view the script in Maximo. Each deployment replaces the script launch point configuration with the configuration defined in the scriptConfig JSON.

Maximo Automation Script

Deploy Screen

Deploy Screen

Deploy Inspection Form

Deploy Screen

When deploying an inspection form the form is matched based on the inspection form name, not the inspection number since it may differ between the source and target systems. If the form already exists the current form is revised and the form definition completely replaces the previous configuration. The option attribute activateOnDeploy can be specified in the inspection form JSON to indicate that the new revision should be marked as active when the form is deployed.

The sourceVersion attribute indicates the version of the source system. Inspection forms are portable between versions as long as the target system is the same or a later version than the source.

Deploy Report

Deploy Report

When deploying a report, the report must be registered in the reports.xml file found the in the same folder with the report design file. The reports.xml follows the same syntax as the Maximo reporting tools.

When a report is deployed its request page is automatically generated.

Extract Automation Scripts

To extract the scripts currently deployed to Maximo, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Extract All Automation Scripts. The extension will query Maximo for the available scripts and then prompt for confirmation to extract the scripts as shown below. Scripts are saved to the directory specified in the Extract Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the scripts are extracted to the current workspace folder.

Extract Automation Script

To extract a single script, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Exact Automation Script. The extension will query Maximo for the available scripts and display them in a searchable quick pick list. Select the script to extract from the list and the extension will extract it to the directory specified in the Extract Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the script is extracted to the current workspace folder.

Extract Screen Definitions

To extract the screens from Maximo, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Extract All Screen Definitions. The extension will query Maximo for the available screens and then prompt for confirmation to extract the screens as shown below. Screens are saved to the directory specified in the Extract Screen Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the screen definitions are extracted to the current workspace folder.

Extract Screen Definition

To extract a single screen, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Exact Screen Definition. The extension will query Maximo for the available screens and display them in a searchable quick pick list. Select the screen to extract from the list and the extension will extract it to the directory specified in the Extract Screen Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the screen is extracted to the current workspace folder.

The screen definition XML is consistently formatted when extracted to assist with comparison. To ensure the formatting remains consisted, when using the standard XML formatter ensure that the Space Before Empty Close Tag is unchecked. Empty Close Tag Setting

Extracted Metadata

As of version 1.6.0 extracted screens will include a metadata tag that contains the conditional properties configuration. It also includes the security group and condition definitions that support creating the security group if it doesn't exist and creating or updating the conditional expressions. The metadata tag is removed as part of the import process and will error if you attempt to import the exported presentation XML through the front end user interface.

Extract Inspection Forms

To extract inspection forms from Maximo, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Extract All Inspection Forms. The extension will query Maximo for the latest inspection forms and then prompt for confirmation to extract the inspection forms as shown below. Inspection forms are saved to the directory specified in the Extract Inspection Forms Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the inspection forms are extracted to the current workspace folder. The extract files are named with the inspection form name, with dashes - replacing spaces and with a .json file extension.

The extract includes the source inspection form and revision number. Note that these values are for reference purposes only and a new inspection form and revision number will be generated in the target system.

Extract Screen Definition

To extract a single inspection form from Maximo, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Extract Inspection Form. The extension will query Maximo for the latest inspection forms and display them in a searchable quick pick list. Select the form to extract from the list and the extension will extract it to the directory specified in the Extract Inspection Forms Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the form is extracted to the current workspace folder.

Extract Reports

To extract reports from Maximo, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Extract All BIRT Reports. The extension will query Maximo for the registered reports and then prompt for confirmation to extract the reports as shown below. Reports are saved to the directory specified in the Extract Reports Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the reports are extracted to the current workspace folder. The extract reports are saved to a sub folder named with the REPORTFOLDER value from Maximo. Additionally, the report attributes, parameters and resource references are written to a reports.xml file in the REPORTFOLDER folder. The reports.xml has the same syntax as the standard Maximo tools report.xml files. If the report has resources, those are extracted to a sub folder with the same name as the report, without the .rptdesign extension.

To extract a single report form from Maximo, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Extract BIRT Report. The extension will query Maximo for the reports and display them in a searchable quick pick list, displaying the report description followed by the report name. Select the report to extract from the list and the extension will extract it to the directory specified in the Extract Reports Location setting. If the setting has not been configured, the report is extracted to the current workspace folder in a sub folder named with the REPORTFOLDER value from Maximo. Additionally, the report attributes, parameters and resource references are written to a reports.xml file in the REPORTFOLDER folder. If the report has resources, those are extracted to a sub folder with the same name as the report, without the .rptdesign extension.

Extract Report

Compare with Maximo

To compare the current script or screen definition with the script or screen on the server, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Compare with Maximo. The extension will query Maximo for the current script or screen that is in the editor based on the scriptConfig variable or <presentation id="" attribute and open a new window, providing the Visual Studio Code diff editor.

Compare Script

Compare Script

Compare Screen

Compare Screen

Log Streaming

To stream the Maximo log to a local file click the Maximo Log status bar item to toggle streaming. The rotating status icon indicates that the log is currently streaming.

Stream the Maximo Log

Insert Unique Id

When editing a screen definition XML, ensuring that the id attribute is unique can be annoying, especially when copying and pasting sections of the screen. Maximo generates unique id attribute values based on the current time since epoch in milliseconds and now you can too.

To insert or update the id attribute of a tag to the unique value of the current time in milliseconds since epoch, bring up the Visual Studio Code Command Palette (View > Command Palette... or ⌘ + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p) and select Insert Unique Id for Maximo Presentation Tag or press ctrl + ⌘ + i or ctrl + alt + i).

Update unique Id


The Maximo Development Tools extension provides snippets for all the built in classes including the majority of methods on the mbo, service and userInfo built in objects. While not providing a full language server it should provide a majority of common methods on the implicit variables.

There are also snippets for common functions such as a close function or the scriptConfig variable. If there are any additional snippets you would like added please contact us at

Snippets in action

Pressing ctrl+space will bring up help information for each snippet, describing what the snippet does with information about the parameters. Snippet information


  • Maximo or higher, Maximo Application Suite 8 is supported.
  • Files must have a .js of .py extension for scripts, xml for screens, rptdesign for BIRT reports and json for inspection forms.
  • This extension requires Maximo to support Nashorn scripts, which requires Java 8.
  • Initial configuration must be done by a user in the administrative group defined by ADMINGROUP MAXVARS entry. Typically this is MAXADMIN.