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Multiple Nodes of GPUs Examples in Machine Learning

Sherman Lo 2023-24

Queen Mary, University of London

These are some exercises and implementations to use multiple nodes of GPUs. See the blog for more details.

Case Studies

The dataset used is the MNIST dataset, available in torchvision.

Grid Search and SVM

A GPU implementation of an SVM is available in RAPIDS' cuML. The exercise is to implement a grid search to tune the parameters C and gamma. This can be parallelised by splitting the search space between GPUs and nodes.

This is implemented in mnist_svm.

Figure 1: A box plot of validation errors for a fixed gamma when fitting a cuml.svm.SVC on the MNIST dataset. The box plot captures the 5 validation errors from 5-fold cross-validation. The minimum is somewhere around C=math.log(1.3, 10).

Bagging and Neural Networks

A PyTorch neural network Net is defined in mnist_nn/ and can be trained using the optimiser torch.optim.SGD with loss function torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss().

The exercise is to implement bagging and random search to tune and quantify the uncertainty of the neural network's parameters n_conv_layer, kernel_size n_hidden_layer and the optimiser's parameters lr and momentum. This can be parallelised by distributing the bootstrap samples, or a seed, between GPUs and nodes.

This is implemented in mnist_nn.

Figure 1: Box plot of the certainty of each model's prediction of each digit. The handwriting to predict is shown on the top left.

Parallel Strategies

A hybrid approach was implemented here, using both multiprocessing, to use multiple GPUs on a node, and mpi4py, to use multiple nodes.

In the single node case, having MPI and mpi4py installed is optional.

In the multiple node case, it is required to execute python with MPI. This can be done with commands such as mpirun and srun. You must allocate a process per node. This can be done, for example:

  • For OpenMPI, supply the option --map-by ppr:1:node
  • For IntelMPI, supply the option -ppn 1
  • On Slurm, supply the option #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1

Getting Started

The pip requirement files are available in requirements-cu*.txt where the suffix is the CUDA version. For example requirements-cu11.txt for CUDA 11. These packages can be installed, for example in a virtual environment, using for example

pip install -r requirements-cu11.txt

Run python to download the data.


The requirements file requirements-pin.txt has pinned versions should you wish to exactly reproduce results on the blog. Furthermore, Python 3.10.7 was used on Apocrita, Python 3.10.4 on Sulis.


If you wish to you multiple nodes, use, for example, mpirun as explained previously.

python -m mnist_svm [-h] [--gpu GPU] [--batch BATCH] [--results RESULTS] n_tuning

positional arguments:
  n_tuning           Number of tuning parameters

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --gpu GPU          What GPUs to use. Indicate individual GPUs using integers separated by
                     a comma, eg 0,1,2. Or provide 'all' to use all available GPUs. Defaults
                     to device 0
  --batch BATCH      Number of tuning parameters to validate for a worker before a new one
                     instantiates. Defaults to no re-instantiation
  --results RESULTS  Where to save figures and results, defaults to here


If you wish to you multiple nodes, use, for example, mpirun as explained previously.

python -m mnist_nn [-h] [--gpu GPU] [--results RESULTS] [--seed SEED] n_bootstrap n_tuning

positional arguments:
  n_bootstrap        Number of bootstrap samples
  n_tuning           Number of tuning parameters to search

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --gpu GPU          What GPUs to use. Indicate individual GPUs using integers separated by
                     a comma, eg 0,1,2. Or provide 'all' to use all available GPUs. Defaults
                     to device 0
  --results RESULTS  Where to save figures and results, defaults to here


Apptainers definition files requirements-cu*.def are provided too if you would like to use a container. They can be built, using for example

apptainer build container-cu11.sif requirements-cu11.def

and run using

apptainer run --nv container-cu11.sif [OPTIONS]

where [OPTIONS] are options and commands you would usually put after python.

It may be tricky if you require to run MPI with these containers, please refer to the Apptainer manual.

Reducing Code For Testing

If you would like to run small tests to verify the code works, please see the suggestions below.

  • mnist_svm
    • Run for a small grid, eg python -m mnist_svm 1
  • mnist_nn
    • Run for fewer bootstrap samples and search less, eg python -m mnist_nn 1 1
    • You can reduce the number of iterations of the dataset when doing stochastic gradient descent. In mnist_nn/, you can reduce N_MAX_EPOCH to something small, eg N_MAX_EPOCH = 1
    • You can reduce the number of epochs used in stochastic gradient descent. In mnist_nn/, see the function train_model(). The loop for data in data_loader: iterates for each epoch.
    • You can reduce the complexity of the neural network when doing random search. You can modify the distribution of the tuning parameters by modifying the function random_parameter() in mnist_nn/