v1.1.0 (2020-09-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Initial kubernetes support #313 (williepaul)
- Adds different exit code when issues are found #299 (cesar-rodriguez)
- Adding terrascan to Homebrew #293
Fixed bugs:
- Oudated Docker image #294
- Error with XML output #290
- Fixed checkIpForward rule (gcp) #323 (williepaul)
Closed issues:
- Terrascan wrongly reports a accurics.gcp.NS.130 (checkIpForward) violation #320
- Allow structure output (Json) #252
- Throwing Errors when parsing nested brackets in HCL #233
- Be able to generate xml/html reports #119
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "fixed a bug in checkIpForward" #322 (cesar-rodriguez)
- Fixed a bug in checkIpForward #321 (williepaul)
- Move server command out of ENTRYPOINT and into CMD #318 (williepaul)
- Send logs to stderr instead of stdout #317 (williepaul)
- Fix template rendering bug #316 (williepaul)
- chore(docs): add homebrew installation #315 (chenrui333)
- Update badges in readme #314 (acc-jon)
- Update mkdocs-diagrams to 1.0.0 #312 (pyup-bot)
- Add support to print resource config as an output #309 (kanchwala-yusuf)
- Manage relative module path #308 (guilhem)
- Update mkdocs-material to 5.5.12 #307 (pyup-bot)
- chore(docs): fix indent of tar extraction #306 (zmarouf)
- Fixes issue template and rego capitalization #301 (cesar-rodriguez)
- Update mkdocs-material to 5.5.8 #300 (pyup-bot)
- Update about.md #298 (Upa-acc)
- Updated policies to the latest set #297 (williepaul)
- Fixes docker latest tag #296 (cesar-rodriguez)
- Typo fixes #295 (erichs)
- Update mkdocs-material to 5.5.7 #292 (pyup-bot)
- Fix xml output #291 (kanchwala-yusuf)
Major updates to Terrascan and the underlying architecture including:
- Pluggable architecture written in Golang. We updated the architecture to be easier to extend Terrascan with additional IaC languages and support policies for different cloud providers and cloud native tooling.
- Server mode. This allows Terrascan to be executed as a server and use it's API to perform static code analysis
- Notifications hooks. Will be able to integrate for notifications to external systems (e.g. email, slack, etc.)
- Uses OPA policy engine and policies written in Rego.
- Introduces the '-f' flag for passing a list of ".tf" files for linting and the '--version' flag.
- Adds Docker image and pipeline to push to DockerHub
- Bugfix: The pyhcl hard dependency in the requirements.txt file caused issues if a higher version was installed. This was fixed by using the ">=" operator.
- Adds support for terraform 0.12+
- Adds ability to setup terrascan as a pre-commit hook
- Updates dependent packages to latest versions
- Migrates CI to GitHub Actions from travis
- First release on PyPI.
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator