Change detection mechanisms based on MutationObserver interface. It provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. You may connect node elements in One-Time, One-Way & Two-Way binding.
npm install bind-dom
yarn add bind-dom
import { oneTime, oneWay, twoWay, disconnect, disconnectAll } from 'bind-dom'
import bindDom from 'bind-dom'
import bindDom from 'bind-dom'
bindDom.oneWay('oneWayObserver', document.querySelector('#targetNode'), document.querySelector('#toNode'))
import { twoWay, disconnect } from 'bind-dom'
twoWay('twoWayObserver', document.querySelector('#targetNode'), document.querySelector('#targetNode_2'))
MutationObserver is watching changes being made to the DOM tree. So, for input/textarea elements make sure that attributes are changed. See the examples below.
// JS
function changeValueAttr(event) {'value',
<input type="text" onkeyup="changeValueAttr(event)" />
// JS
function changeAttr(event) {'data-bind-dom',
<textarea data-bind-dom="" onkeyup="changeAttr(event)"></textarea>
oneTime(observerName, targetNode, toNode, config) - binding occurs one time when element content change
oneWay(observerName, targetNode, toNode, config) - creates an ongoing connection between targetNode and toNode
twoWay(observerName, targetNode, toNode, config) - creates a vice versa connection between targetNode and toNode
disconnect(observerName) - disconnects observer
disconnectAll() - disconnects all observers
{String} observerName - unique observer name
{Element} targetNode - node element which is going to be observe for DOM changes
{Element} toNode - node element to which changes is going to be applied (twoWay binding vice versa with targetNode)
{Object} config - specs
const config = {
// what target objects to observe
// { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true } by default
members: {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true,
characterData: true,
attributeOldValue: true,
characterDataOldValue: true
callback: (mutationsList) => {
// mutationsList[Array] - list of nodes which were changed
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
Please read the Contributions Guidelines before adding your own helper or improvement to code snippets, explanations, etc.
MIT © Vasyl Stokolosa