go env
GOOS="linux" go build
GOOS="darwin" go build
GOOS="windows" go build
# GOROOT tells us where the go runtime is installed
# GOPATH tells us where the local go projects live
# this is the go workspace that we create after the goruntime installation
## edit | add env variable in linux
# "$" -> variable
# User settings
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/workspace
export PATH=$PATH:GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
1. /src
- it contains all the library packages
2. /bin
- /go
- it contains executables or programs that come with go runtime
- with go executables you can run commands like "go version", "go build" and so on
- /gofmt
- for making code look pretty while development
# we need to create this for our local go projects
# we can name it whatever we want
# just make sure to create 3 sub folders in it
1. /scr
- for source code of future go projects
2. /bin
- for executable of future go projects
- files inside this folder are auto-generated
3. /pkg
- for package and dependencies of future go projects
- files inside this folder are auto-generated
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8LClK96NZ4
go mod edit -go <version(1.16)> go mod edit -module
go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo
// update which works when mux is not working properly go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
- Go modules is a native package management tool
# (an expensive operation so better keep eye on that while running this command)
go mod tidy
go mod verify
go list go list all (get all package) go list -m all (get all package used only)
go list -m --versions github.com/gorilla/mux go list -m -versions github.com/gorilla/mux
go mod why github.com/gorilla/mux go mod graph
go mod vendor (orver write modules) (almost like node_modules) (now it will not bring everything form the web) (bring everything at one time pack everything inside) (to run from vendor) go run -mod=vendor main.go (first look everything into vendor folder)
go run main.go (bring everything from the web or chache to run not from the vendor)
go run -race example.go (check for the race condition in the program)
Ctrl + P then type "go tools" in vscode to install update tools for go (like gopls)
// run everything
- go run .
go run --race . // exit status 66
- executable packages
- main function
- main package
- entry point of every program execution
- non-executable packages
- non main | utility package (all not main packages are utility package)
- not self executable
- utilized by main package
- short, no camel/snake
- descriptive
- same name as directory name
- don't declare multiple packages in multiple files under the same directory
- package should be small and many
Note - circular references is not allowed among packagesF
- block scope
- inside the function block { }
- unexported
- outside of function body
- camelcase -> "variableName"
- exported
- outside of function body
- capitalcase -> "VariableName"
🌐 source