- Title - Compliation of the raw CSB data release files for use in
package - Date of Original Publication - 22 Feb 2018
- Date of Last Update - 22 Feb 2018
- Edition - v1.0
- Abstract - The City of St. Louis makes their Citizens Service Bureau data publicly available. These data ship in separate irregularly organized
files, the most recent of which is renamed with each subsequent release. This lack of stability makes their integration with ourstlcsb
package challenging. As a workaround, we offer a single unified.rda
formatted data file specifically to support our package. - Purpose - Urban informatics
- Maintenance Frequency - Frequent
- Keywords - City of St. Louis, Missouri, 3-1-1, Urban Data, Urban Informatics
- Constraints Use - Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0
- Constraints Text - see
- Spatial Representation Type - Vector - Point
- Coordinate System - not projected
- Language - English
- Topic Category - City Services
- Source: City of St. Louis
- Modifications: none
- Point of Contact - Christopher Prener, Ph.D. (chris.prener@slu.edu)
- Author/Owner - Christopher Prener, Ph.D. (chris.prener@slu.edu)
- Link - https://github.com/chris-prener/STL_CSB_RawRequests
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