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Ernest edited this page May 26, 2020 · 52 revisions


  • validation context
  • async
  • readme
  • reset
  • custom hasError?
  • Add DFS/BFS method for custom functions (e.g., custom validation strategy)
  • should we need to pass parameters from rule to error message?
  • highlight feature: low learning curve
  • bind target
  • getter: to allow everything can be used as nesting structure
  Object: $get (object, key) { return object[key] }
  Array: $get (object, key) { return object[key] }
  Map: $get (object, key) { return object.get(key) }
  WeakMap: $get (object, key) { return object.get(key) }
  Moment: $get (object, key) { return object[key]() }
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