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File metadata and controls

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For commonly asked questions and their answers, you can refer to the FAQ

Currently, source{d} CE does not expose nor log all errors directly into the UI. In the current stage of source{d} CE, following these steps is the better way to know if something is failing, why, and to know how to recover the app from some problems. The first two steps use to be always mandatory:

  1. To see if any component is broken
  2. To see the logs of the running components
  3. To know if scrapers finished their job
  1. To restart o initialize source{d} CE again
  2. To ask for help if the issue could not be solved

Other issues that we detected, and which are strictly related to the UI are:

source{d} CE Fails During Its Initialization

The initialization can fail fast if there is any port conflict, or missing config file, etcetera; those errors are clearly logged in the terminal when they appear.

If when initializing source{d} CE, all the required components appear as created, but the loading spinner keeps spinning forever (more than 1 minute can be symptomatic), there can be an underlying problem causing the UI not to be opened. In this situation you should:

  1. See if any component is broken
  2. See app logs or certain component logs
  3. Restart o initialize source{d} CE again
  4. To ask for help if the issue could not be solved

How Can I See the Status of source{d} CE Components?

To see the status of source{d} CE components, just run:

$ sourced status

Name                      Command                   State         Ports
srcd-xxx_sourced-ui_1    /             Up (healthy)  :8088->8088
srcd-xxx_gitbase_1       ./                  Up            :3306->3306
srcd-xxx_bblfsh_1        /tini -- bblfshd           Up            :9432->9432
srcd-xxx_bblfsh-web_1    /bin/bblfsh-web -addr ...  Up            :9999->8080
srcd-xxx_metadatadb_1  ...  Up            :5433->5432
srcd-xxx_postgres_1  ...  Up            :5432->5432
srcd-xxx_redis_1  ...  Up            :6379->6379
srcd-xxx_ghsync_1        /bin/sh -c sleep 10s  ...  Exit 0
srcd-xxx_gitcollector_1  /bin/dumb-init -- /bi ...  Exit 0

It will report the status of all source{d} CE component. All components should be Up, but the scrapers: ghsync and gitcollector; these exceptions are explanined in How Can I See What Happened with the Scrapers?

If any component is not Up (but the scrapers), here are some key points to understand what might be happening:

  • All the components (but the scrapers) are restarted by Docker Compose automatically —process that can take some seconds—; if the component enters in a restart loop, something wrong is happening.
  • When any component is failing, or died, you should see its logs to understand what is happening

When one of the required components fails, it uses to print an error in the UI,

e.g. lost connection to mysql server during query while running a query might mean that gitbase went down.

e.g. unable to establish a connection with the bblfsh server: deadline exceeded in SQL Lab might mean that bblfsh went down.

If the failing component is not successfully restarted in a few seconds, or if it goes down when running certain queries, it could be a good idea to open an issue describing the problem.

How Can I See Logs of The Running Components?

$ sourced logs [-f] [components...]

Adding -f will keep the connection opened, and the logs will appear as they come instead of exiting after the last logged one.

You can pass a space-separated list of component names to see only their logs (i.e. sourced-ui, gitbase, bblfsh, gitcollector, ghsync, metadatadb, postgres, redis). If you do not pass any component name, there will appear the logs of all of them.

Currently, there is no way to filter by error level, so you could try with grep, e.g.

sourced logs gitcollector | grep error

will output only log lines where error word appears.

How Can I See What Happened with the Scrapers?

When souece{d} CE is initialized with sourced init local, the scrapers are not relevant because the repositories to analyze comes from your local data, so ghsync and gitcollector status is not relevant in this case.

When running souece{d} CE to analyze data from a list of GitHub organizations, gitcollector component is in charge of fetching GitHub repositories and ghsync component is in charge of fetching GitHub metadata (issues, pull requests...)

Once the UI is opened, you can see the progress of the importation in the welcome dashboard, reporting the data imported, skipped, failed and completed. The process can take many minutes if the organization is big, so be patient. You can manually refresh both charts to confirm that the process is progressing, and it is not stuck. If you believe that there can be any problem during the process, the better way to find what is happening is:

  • check the components status with sourced status; gitcollector and ghsync should be Up (the process didn't finish yet), or Exit 0 (the process finished succesfully). They are independent components, so they can finish on different order depending on how many repositories or metadata is needed to process.

  • check the logs of the failing component with sourced logs [-f] {gitcollector,ghsync} to get more info about the errors found.

How Can I Restart One Scraper?

Restarting a scraper should be done to recover from temporal problems like connectivity loss, or lack of space in disc, not to update the data you're analyzing

source{d} CE does not provide way to start only one scraper. The recommended way to restart them would be to restart the whole source{d} CE, which is fast and safe for your data. In order to restart source{d} CE, run:

$ sourced restart

Read more about which data will be imported after restarting a scraper

If you feel comfortable enough with Docker Compose, you could also try restarting each scraper separatelly, running:

$ cd ~/.sourced/workdirs/__active__
$ docker-compose run gitcollector # to restart gitcollector
$ docker-compose run ghsync       # to restart ghsync

How to Restart source{d} CE

Restarting source{d} CE, can fix some errors and is also the official way to restart the scrapers. It is also needed after downloading a new config (by running sourced compose download). source{d} CE is restarted with the command:

$ sourced restart

It only recreates the component containers, keeping all your data, like charts, dashboards, repositories, and GitHub metadata.

When I Try to Create a Chart from a Query, Nothing Happens.

The charts can be created from the SQL Lab, using the Explore button once you run a query. If nothing happens, the browser may be blocking the new window that should be opened to edit the new chart. You should configure your browser to let source{d} UI to open pop-ups (e.g. in Chrome it is done allowing to handle pop-ups and redirects from the Site Settings menu).

When I Try to Export a Dashboard, Nothing Happens.

If nothing happens when pressing the Export button from the dashboard list, then you should configure your browser to let source{d} UI to open pop-ups (e.g. in Chrome it is done allowing to handle pop-ups and redirects from the Site Settings menu)

The Dashboard Takes a Long to Load and the UI Freezes.

This is a known issue that we're trying to address, but here is more info about it.

In some circumstances, loading the data for the dashboards can take some time, and the UI can be frozen in the meanwhile. It can happen —on big datasets—, the first time you access the dashboards, or when they are refreshed.

There are some limitations with how Apache Superset handles long-running SQL queries, which may affect the dashboard charts. Since most of the charts of the Overview dashboard loads its data from gitbase, its queries can take more time than the expected for the UI.

When it happens, the UI can be frozen, or you can get this message in some charts:

Query timeout - visualization queries are set to timeout at 300 seconds. Perhaps your data has grown, your database is under unusual load, or you are simply querying a data source that is too large to be processed within the timeout range. If that is the case, we recommend that you summarize your data further.

When it occurs, you should wait till the UI is responsive again, and separately refresh each failing chart with its force refresh option (on its top-right corner). With some big datasets, it took 3 refreshes and 15 minutes to get data for all charts.