These SCIAMACHY tools are provided as convenience tools for handling SCIAMACHY level 1c limb spectra and retrieved level 2 trace-gas densities.
More extensive documentation is provided on
The sciapy.level1c
submodule provides a few
conversion tools for SCIAMACHY
level 1c calibrated spectra, to be used as input for trace gas retrieval with
Note that this is not a level 1b to level 1c calibration tool.
For calibrating level 1b spectra (for example SCI_NL__1P version 8.02
provided by ESA via the
ESA data browser)
to level 1c spectra, use the
command line tool or the free software
The first produces .child
files, the second can output to HDF5 (.h5
Further note: .child
files are currently not supported.
The sciapy.level2
submodule provides
post-processing tools for trace-gas densities retrieved from SCIAMACHY limb scans.
Support simple operations as combining files into netcdf, calculating and noting
local solar time at the retrieval grid points, geomagnetic latitudes, etc.
The level 2 tools also include a simple binning algorithm.
The sciapy.regress
submodule can be used for regression analysis of SCIAMACHY
level 2 trace gas density time series, either directly or as daily zonal means.
It uses the regressproxy
for modelling the proxy input with lag and lifetime decay.
The regression tools support various parameter fitting methods using
and uncertainty evaluation using Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo sampling with
Further supports covariance modelling via
and george
Sciapy uses features from a lot of different packages.
All dependencies will be automatically installed when using
pip install
or python
, see below.
However, to speed up the install or for use
within a conda
environment, it may be advantageous to
install some of the important packages beforehand:
at least version 1.13.0 for general numerics,scipy
at least version 0.17.0 for scientific numerics,matplotlib
at least version 2.2 for plotting,netCDF4
for the low level netcdf4 interfaces,h5py
for the low level hdf5 interfaces,dask
for the higher level data interfaces,astropy
for (astronomical) time conversions,parse
for ASCII text parsing inlevel1c
C++ interface needed bycelerite
at least version 0.3.0 andgeorge
for Gaussian process modelling,emcee
for MCMC sampling andcorner
for the sample histogram plots,regressproxy
for the regression proxy modelling.
Out of these packages, numpy
is probably the most important one
to be installed first because at least celerite
needs it for setup.
It may also be a good idea to install
because both celerite
and george
use its interface,
and both may fail to install without pybind11
Depending on the setup, numpy
and pybind11
can be installed
via pip
pip install numpy pybind11
or conda
conda install numpy pybind11
Official releases are available as pip
packages from the main package repository,
to be found at, and which can be installed with:
$ pip install sciapy
The latest development version of
sciapy can be installed with pip
from github (see
$ pip install [-e] git+
The other option is to use a local clone:
$ git clone
$ cd sciapy
and then using pip
(optionally using -e
, see
$ pip install [-e] .
or using
$ python install
The whole module as well as the individual submodules can be loaded as usual:
>>> import sciapy
>>> import sciapy.level1c
>>> import sciapy.level2
>>> import sciapy.regress
Basic class and method documentation is accessible via pydoc
$ pydoc sciapy
The submodules' documentation can be accessed with pydoc
as well:
$ pydoc sciapy.level1c
$ pydoc sciapy.level2
$ pydoc sciapy.regress
This python package is free software: you can redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (GPLv2), see local copy or online version.