Tries to automaticly fix all .es6|.ts|.jsx files based on .eslintrc
npm run lint
Same as lint, but doesn't fix the files, just creates the error/warning dump in console
npm run lint-dry
We use the .editorconfig file to set up a common configuration across all editors that support this format. For the time being you need to install a plugin for VSCode or Sublime Text, but IntelliJ reads this format natively and does not need one.
Name: ESLint
Id: dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
Description: Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
Version: 2.0.14
Publisher: Dirk Baeumer
VS Marketplace Link:\
Update VSCode workspace- or userconfig:
"eslint.enable": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
If you don't want it to automaticly lint the current file on save, omit the codeActionsOnSave
Prettier works in tandem with ESlint: ESlint does code styles and Prettier does formatting, whitespace etc. We use both of them, they are configured to not cause conflicts. You can read more about this configuration here, and in the related articles.
Name: Prettier - Code formatter
Id: esbenp.prettier-vscode
Description: Code formatter using prettier
Version: 9.9.0 Publisher: Prettier
VS Marketplace Link:
Install the Prettier plugin for IntelliJ. Instructions can be found here.
After installation, make sure you configure IntelliJ to reformat and fix on save.
A configuration like this seems to do the trick, adjust for taste:
Eslint is setup to lint .es6, .ts, and .jsx files. Each of these share one common config, with overrides in .eslintrc.json
Eslint rules documentation
Typescript rules documentation
React rules documentation
If you want to add specific rules to either .es6, .ts or .jsx, then you'll have to do this
inside .eslintrc.json. For .es6, add "rules": { /*my rules */ }
to the root object. For .ts or
.jsx, add it to the respective overrides.rules objects.