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File metadata and controls

137 lines (119 loc) · 4.5 KB

ECOICOP classification

Goals of the project:

  • automation of the ECOICOP product classification process
  • replacement of the manual classification by the Machine Learning methods

The dataset is located in the .xlsx file: products_allshops_dataset.xlsx.
It includes the list of nearly 16700 products names which are labelled by the 61 unique Ecociop categories.

In our project we were testing 4 methods:

  • Logistic Regression
  • Random Forest
  • SVM
  • Naive Bayes

Hyperparameters tunning

Best model parameters have been searched in two ways:

  1. First two methods have been tested with the use of for loop:

    • Logistic Regression - tested parameters:
      • c (0.1, 1, 2, 3)
      • fit_intercept (True, False)
      • class_weight (None, 'balanced')
      • solver ("newton-cg", "lbfgs", "liblinear", "sag", "saga")
      • multi_class ("ovr", "multinomial")
      • max_iter = 200
    • Random Forest - tested parameters:
      • n_estimators (30, 100, 150, 200)
      • criterion ('gini', 'entropy')
      • min_samples_leaf (1, 2, 3)
      • min_samples_split (2, 3)
      • max_features (None, "sqrt", "log2")
      • bootstrap (True, False)
      • oob_score (True, False)
      • warm_start (True, False)
      • class_weight (None, 'balanced', 'balanced_subsample')

    When you run the file, all the results will be included in the file results_logistic_regression.xlsx.
    When you run the file, all the results will be included in the file results_random_forest.xlsx.

  2. Last two methods have been tested with the use of Gridsearch cross-validation over a parameter grids presented below:

    • Naive Bayes - tested parameters:
      • alpha (np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 6))
      • fit_prior (True, False)
      • max_df (np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10))
      • sublinear_tf (True, False)
      • ngram_range ((1,1),(1,2))
      • stop_words (stop_words_list, None)
    • SVM - tested parameters:
      • penalty ('l1', 'l2')
      • multi_class ('ovr','crammer_singer')
      • C (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000)
      • loss: ('hinge','squared_hinge')

    The results of running the script file will be included in the GridsearchCV_results_LinSVC.xlsx file.
    The results of running the script file will be included in the GridsearchCV_results_NB.xlsx file.

Best chosen parameters were implemented and analysed. The results are presented below.

Model evaluation

Logistic Regression

Script file generates results:

  • training data:
    • accuracy: 0.98
    • F1-score: 0.98
    • MCC: 0.98
  • validation data:
    • accuracy: 0.92
    • F1-score: 0.92
    • MCC: 0.92
  • test data:
    • accuracy: 0.91
    • F1-score: 0.91
    • MCC: 0.90

Random Forest

Script file generates results:

  • training data:
    • accuracy: 1.00
    • F1-score: 1.00
    • MCC: 1.00
  • validation data:
    • accuracy: 0.93
    • F1-score: 0.93
    • MCC: 0.93
  • test data:
    • accuracy: 0.91
    • F1-score: 0.91
    • MCC: 0.91

Naive Bayes

Script file generates results:

  • training data:
    • accuracy: 0.98
    • F1-score: 0.98
    • MCC: 0.98
  • validation data:
    • accuracy: 0.89
    • F1-score: 0.89
    • MCC: 0.89
  • test data:
    • accuracy: 0.91
    • F1-score: 0.91
    • MCC : 0.91


Script file generates results:

  • training data:
    • accuracy: 0.995
    • F1-score: 0.995
    • MCC: 0.995
  • validation data:
    • accuracy: 0.91
    • F1-score: 0.91
    • MCC: 0.90
  • test data:
    • accuracy: 0.92
    • F1-score: 0.92
    • MCC: 0.92

Other information

By running the scripts mentioned above there will be also generated:

  • confusion matrix
  • classification report
  • joblib files (commented - to create the file, you have to uncomment the code)
  • xlsx file with the predicted category and its probability for the test set

Script file presents the way how to plot the histogram of the ecoicop categories included in the main dataset and how to save it into image file.

polish_stopwords.txt is a file which includes polish stopwords which can be removed from the vectorizer.


  • Marta Kruczek-Szepel
  • Krystyna Piątkowska