This repository represents a proof-of-concept for the upgrade to Mesh v1 from the existing v0 we're using.
This repo consists of three dummy apps (appointments
, customers
and sales
) exposing a GraphQL
interface - those are our test subschemas / upstream services.
The auth
directory contains an authentication service which exposes a JSON Web Key Set and
generates some tokens to test JWT handling.
The gateway
directory contains the gateway config and the nginx
directory contains the configuration of the reverse proxy exposing the gateway over HTTP/2.
Finally, the web-client
directory contains a SPA application that showcases subscriptions over SSE and compares running them over HTTP 1.1 vs HTTP/2.
Make sure you have:
- Docker and Docker Compose
First, run the subgraph services:
docker compose up -d
After they successfully boot up, you should be able to navigate to their GraphiQL interfaces:
You can also access the auth service:
Then, run the gateway:
cd gateway
asdf install
npm i
npx hive-gateway supergraph
You should then be able to access the API Gateway GraphiQL interface.
By default NOT passing a JWT will let the request run successfully, but if you pass an invalid JWT, the gateway will block the request.
In case you need to re-build the gateway schema (e.g. after changing one of the subschemas), run:
npx mesh-compose > supergraph.graphql
The gateway is also deployed via Docker Compose and available here in case you don't need to run it in dev mode.
There's also a demo SPA application deployed here.
Since the demo compares subscriptions using HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2, and the latter requires TLS, to make the demo work you need to do ONE of two things:
If using Chrome, enable the flag allow-insecure-localhost for the time you use the demo app.
If using MacOS, import the self-signed certificate used in the app via:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain nginx/ssl/nginx.der`
And remember to remove it later by opening the Keychain Access app, navigating to the System keychain, looking up the "localhost" certificate and deleting it.