This is the course syllabus of advanced java programming in my college.
Object Oriented Programming Concepts, Core Java
- Introduction to J2EE Architecture
- HTTP Protocol and HTML, XML
- Introduction to JDBC
- JDBC Drivers
- Connecting to Database
- java.sql package
- Introduction to Servlets
- Servlet Life Cycle,
- Session Tracking, Context and Collaboration
- Introduction to JSP
- JSP Elements and Standard Action Tags
- JSP implicit objects, Action Elements
- Creating web application using JSP and Servlet
- Enterprise Java Beans Architecture.
- EJB roles, Types of EJB’s
- Stateless and State full Session Beans
- Entity Beans
- Container Managed Persistence and Bean Managed Persistence
- Deploying an Enterprise Java Beans Object.
- The Model-View-Controller Architecture
- Struts Architecture and Struts Tags
- Struts Control Flow
- Building Struts application
- Struts Validation Framework
- Design Pattern
- JavaMail API
- Basics of Spring and Spring Boot
- IOC container, Dependency Injection
- Spring AOP, Spring JDBC
- Write a program to provide database connectivity using Type 1 Driver to a employee table to insert, update, delete data using Servlets
- Write a program in JSP to provide Login. Password Functionality using Type 1 Driver
- Write a program using servlet to write persistent and non-persistent cookies on client side.
- Write a program to print server-side information using JSP as Client IP Address, URL, Context Info, hit count.
- Write a program to create a custom tag in JSP that gives Forward and Include Actions
- Write a program to implement Stateless Session Beans
- Write a program to implement Entity Bean
- Write a program to implement Struts
- Write an android program to connect with SQL Database and perform INSERT, MODIFY and DELETE operations.