3 commits
to master
since this release
PHP Desktop Chrome 99 with PHP 7.4 for Windows 8.1+.
This release has been tested in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 only.
Changes and notes for this release:
- Update to Chrome 99 - now handle ES 6
- Requirements: Windows 8.1 or later. Old operating systems like Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 are no more supported. If you want to support old OSes then use phpdesktop v47.5 release for Windows XP and Vista and phpdesktop 57.0 for Windows 7.
- Update to PHP 7.4
- PHP 7.4 requires "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019" installed - download x86 version (13 MB). When creating app installer using eg. InnoSetup you may have to include that VC++ redistributable depdendency. Alternatively you can copy the required dlls (vcruntime140.dll, etc.) to the php/ directory.
- Upgraded to Visual Studio 2019. Instructions on BuildOnWindows wiki page were updated.
- No more feature has been added or bug fixed with this release.