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Sukuwatto is a workout tracker with a strong social component and gamification features


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Sukuwatto is a workout tracker with a strong social component and gamification features. It allows users to create workout plans, track and analyze their physical performance, and connect with one another.

Project structure

Name Description
Backend Django WSGI, ASGI and worker applications
Frontend Angular web application

A complete set up for Sukuwatto assumes a relational database (like postgres), a redis store/message broker and a web server (like nginx) to serve the web application files and reverse proxy a wsgi server serving the rest api and an asgi server handling websockets. At least one worker handling scheduled and/or long running tasks in the background (like sending reset password e-mails) should also be configured.



Configuration is done via environment variables. To configure the entire system create a .env file in the main project directory and set the following variables:

Name Description Values
POSTGRES_USER PostgreSQL database user name
POSTGRES_DB PostgreSQL database name
POSTGRES_PASSWORD PostgreSQL database password
DEBUG Returns additional error information when an exception is raised 1 / 0
SECRET_KEY Used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value
HOST Website host name
WEBAPP_NAME Web app name, used in e-mail templates
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this site can serve
CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST A list of origins that are authorized to make cross-site HTTP requests
CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL If 1, all origins will be allowed. 1 / 0
CHANNELS_BACKEND Channel layer storing backend
CHANNELS_HOST Storing server host name
CHANNELS_PORT Storing server port
SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT If 1, the security middleware will redirect all non-HTTPS requests to HTTPS 1 / 0
CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE Whether to use a secure cookie for the CSRF cookie 1 / 0
CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN The domain to be used when setting the CSRF cookie
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS A list of trusted origins for unsafe requests (e.g. POST)
AUTH_COOKIE_SECURE Whether to use a secure cookie for the session cookie 1 / 0
AUTH_COOKIE_SAMESITE Whether to set the flag restricting cookie leaks on cross-site requests Lax / Strict / [Empty]
AUTH_COOKIE_DOMAIN The domain to be used when setting the session cookie
EMAIL_BACKEND The backend to use for sending emails
EMAIL_HOST The host to use for sending email
EMAIL_HOST_USER Username to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Password to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_PORT The port to use for sending email
EMAIL_USE_SSL Whether to use an implicit TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server 1 / 0
DATABASE Database type
SQL_DATABASE Database name
SQL_HOST The database host
SQL_PORT The port to use to connect to the database
SQL_USER The user to use to connect to the database
SQL_PASSWORD The password to use to connect to the database
HUEY_HOST Message broker host name to use with huey workers
HUEY_PORT The port to use to connect to the message broker that huey workers use
DRF_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY Recaptcha secret key, used for user registrations. Leave unset to disable captcha use

Check an example configuration file in .env.development.

Frontend configuration

An additional configuration file is also expected on the frontend/src/environments directory, with the following variables set:

Name Description
useSSL Specifies whether to use SSL when accessing the API/websockets endpoints
recaptchaKey Same as DRF_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY or null if not used
host Backend host name
port Port to use when accessing the backend


Inside the project directory run:

$ docker compose up -d

Open http://localhost to access the application.

First-time configurations:

If it's the first time the project is being ran, do the following configurations:


Update the database schema:

$ docker compose exec wsgi python migrate --noinput


Seed the initial data for exercises, muscles, metabolic equivalent tasks, etc:

$ docker compose exec wsgi python loaddata muscles exercises mets skills skills_exercises

Configure an admin user account (optional)

$ docker compose exec wsgi python createsuperuser

Additional notes

Geolocation-based workout tracking uses the geolocation web api. This feature is only available in secure (HTTPS) contexts, and SSL configuration will be required in order for this feature to work.


Sukuwatto is a workout tracker with a strong social component and gamification features







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