Xplore is a content recommender system that can suggest movies, music and books based on the user's preferences or their mood. It allows the user to rate the content and then learns from these ratings to suggest more. It also has a feature where the user can give take an image of their face and the system can identify and suggest content based on that mood.
All the dependancies are listed in requirements
To install, first create a virtual environment and activate it.
python3 -m venv env_name
source env_name/bin/activate
"env_name" should contain the name of the environment. Then install all the packadges from the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
After installation, run the main.py file to run the application.
Recommendations generated based on preferences.
This was part of the CSE4407 course and submitted as the final project. The code is worked on by:
- https://github.com/atulapra/Emotion-detection
- https://github.com/krishnaik06/Movie-Recommender-in-python
Any contributions or suggestions are welcome