#Tech Resources Notes for Lab 0:
##Environmental data collection
- Example data stream:
- https://api.smartcitizen.me/v0/devices/3545/
- Data processing:
- https://docs.smartcitizen.me/#/start/how-to-store-data-in-your-own-database
- https://docs.smartcitizen.me/#/start/inside-the-sc-platform
- Smart Citizen kit: Temperature, Humidity, Light, Sound, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide https://smartcitizen.me/
- Smart citizen API documentation: http://developer.smartcitizen.me/#root-endpoint
- API data example
- data example 2
- Start on p5 code repository:https://github.com/aberner6/e_i_code
- Annotated examples: https://docs.particle.io/guide/getting-started/examples/photon/
- Sensor tutorial and many more excellent guides to pcomp
- Accelerometer app for iphone.
- See accelerometer example in code folder
##Data Publication
- IoT data tool (send data to and from the cloud): http://dweet.io/
- Tutorial on sending data from Arduino to Dweet
##Data Visualisation and Sofware Resources
- Introduction video tutorials to working with p5js and data by Daniel Shiffman/
- Field guide to debugging: https://p5js.org/tutorials/debugging/
- How to ask questions on IRC: http://rurounijones.github.io/blog/2009/03/17/how-to-ask-for-help-on-irc//
- Debugging guide by Clay Shirky (videos): https://vimeo.com/channels/debugging
##Github resources
- See the guide for getting started with Github
- See this guide for the flavor of markdown used on Github.