.NET Aspire provides features for running and connecting multi-project applications and their dependencies.
- App composition: Specify the .net projects, containers, and cloud resources that make up your app.
- Service discovery and connection string management: The app host manages injecting the right connection strings and service discovery information to simplify the developer experience.
dotnet workload install aspire
// Create a distributed application builder given the command line arguments.
var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Add a Redis container to the application.
var cache = builder.AddRedisContainer("cache");
// Add the frontend project to the application and configure it to use the
// Redis container, defined as a referenced dependency.
.NET Aspire components are NuGet packages for commonly used services, such as Redis or Postgres, with standardized interfaces ensuring they connect consistently and seamlessly with your app.
Components automatically setup Logging, Tracing, Metrics and Health Checks.
Components also enable Resiliency and Circuit Breaking.
Example of components:
- PostgreSQL (with EF Core)
- SQL Server (with EF Core)
- CosmosDB
- Redis
- Redis Output Caching
- ServiceBus
- Blob Storage
- Storage Queues
- RabbitMQ
dotnet add package Aspire.Npgsql --prerelease
"ConnectionStrings": {
"PostgreSqlConnection": "Host=myserver;Database=test"
public class ExampleService(NpgsqlDataSource dataSource)
.NET Aspire comes with project templates and tooling experiences for Visual Studio and the dotnet CLI help you create and interact with .NET Aspire apps.
azd init
azd up
To deploy code changes, run:
azd deploy
(If you get an error when deploying, make sure to login in to the container registry with: az acr login -n )
To deploy infrastructure changes, run:
azd provision
To create Github Actions, copy the workflow from AZD Starter Bicep to .github/workflow folder and run:
azd pipeline config
This will setup all secrets and variables needed for the pipeline to run.
Generate Bicep files used by AZD:
azd infra synth
To delete all infra, run:
azd down