A toolkit that takes a HTML5 app and packages it with Thali capabilities for Android, Linux, Mac and Windows
On first build various dependencies must be retrieved and any existing npm install/bower install will run on web application. Future builds should be significantly faster.
Both android and desktop builds will force a build of the web project as a prerequisite.
gradlew installApp
gradlew buildAll
Start the TDH, then
If the TDH is not already running, the application will crash. To exit the application press any key in the console window.
Import the root build.gradle file. When prompted, choose to use custom gradle wrapper. Leverage the Gradle Tasks view in IntelliJ to execute tasks.
To make debugging work you need to get IntelliJ to run the copyWebForDebug gradle task or you won't have the right web files during your debug run. To fix this go to Run->Edit Configurations. Hit the green "+" and choose Gradle. Give the task a useful name like "copyWebForDebug". Hit the folder button next to "Gradle project" and choose ":java". In tasks type in "copyWebForDebug". Hit o.k. Now select the task from the task drop down on the right side of your IDE and make sure it runs.
Now go back to Run->Edit Configurations, hit the green "+" and choose application. Give it a useful name like ProxyDesktop. Hit the "..." button by Main class and choose ProxyDesktop. Go to 'use classpath of module' and hit the dropdown and select Java. Look for the section that says "Before launch: Make" and hit the green arrow and choose "Run another Configuration" which will bring up a dialog which should list "copyWebForDebug', select it and hit o.k. Now hit o.k. on the main dialog to save and exit.
Now go to the task drop down in the upper left hand part of the IDE window and make sure it's set to ProxyDesktop and hit the bug. Now (assuming you remembered to start up a TDH) things should work.
Any HTML5 web application can be placed into
The web build supports an NPM/Bower build. The package.json and bower.json live in /web. During build time bower install will run and deposit bower files in /web/src/bower_components
/web/src/manifest.json and icon.png can be updated as needed to change application name or icon.
The ports are currently fixed.
The Relay is running on :58000 The webserver runs on :58001
You can run your HTML5 app elsewhere if helpful during development, as long as it looks for the relay/TDH at localhost:58000.