HBDU (Happy-BirthDay-U) is a website for your friends' birthday. Enter your friend's name then send the link!
For requirements see requirements.txt
Templates credit:
- Home template
- Home selection-box
- Home grid
- Birthday_1 template
- Birthday_2 template
- Birthday_3 template
- Birthday_4 template
- 404 template
(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR)$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt # You can use virtual env too.
(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR)$ ./run.sh
(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR)$ export FLASK_ENV=production # or development for developing
(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR)$ flask run
or using docker
(ROOT_PROJECT_DIR)$ ./run_docker.sh #
I will be glad! Open an issue first or work on your assigned issue.
If you have found any important bug or vulnerability, open an issue or contact me please.
email: ebsa491@gmail.com
See TODO.md
Nothing more! Just pay attention to LICENSE
and enjoy my free software.