Package bdd is a very simple but expressive BDD-flavoured testing framework
Documentation is incomplete Refer to bdd_test.go for usage
The most of present Golang BDD-style testing frameworks are:
- too big => hard to maintain
- overcomplicated => same here
- bloated => goes against golang philosophy
- unsupported
- not enough expressive
- provides less control of execution order
This one is:
- dead-simple
- easy to maintain
- more expressive
- better control of test blocks execution order
- Be minimalistic, yet expressive and fully functional
- Stay within 500LOC
- Be easily maintainable
- Be compatible with all the popular ecosystem tools (without sacrificing the above)
No matcher library provided; There are plenty of them. i.e.:
func Act
func Act(t *testing.T, name string, fn BlockFunc)
Act is just a structural block; You use it to make your test structure more readable and explanatory
func Fork
func Fork(t *testing.T, branches ...BranchConstructorFunc)
Fork comes into a business when you want a separate sub-scenarios in your tests. For each Branch in a Fork the framework will reexecute all the blocks defined prior to the fork
TODO: Rewrite this shame
func Scenario
func Scenario(t *testing.T, title string, fn ScenarioFunc)
Scenario is a root of your scenario. Scenario blocks can not be nested.
func Test
func Test(t *testing.T, what string, fn BlockFunc)
Test is a block where you write your actual test code and run your assertions. Remember: you write ALL the logic in Test blocks, except for some error-free-by-default initializations Test blocks can be nested. Test blocks can NOT contain other block types.
Readme created from Go doc with goreadme