Test accumulations by inserting in-order (forcing rebalancing) and comparing with the exact result for arithmetic series:
>>> from accumulation_tree import AccumulationTree
>>> t = AccumulationTree(lambda x: x)
>>> N = 10000
>>> for x in range(N):
... t.insert(x,x)
>>> all(t.get_accumulation(0, x) == x*(x-1)/2 for x in range(N))
And also after removing half of them, leaving only the even ones:
>>> for x in range(N >> 1):
... t.remove(x*2+1)
>>> all(t.get_accumulation(0, 2*x) == x*(x-1) for x in range(N >> 1))
Let's also overwrite a value and see that this correctly propagates:
>>> t.insert(0, 1)
>>> all(t.get_accumulation(0, 2*x) == 1 + x*(x-1) for x in range(1, N >> 1))
And the same, but through the dictionary interface:
>>> t[0] = 2
>>> all(t.get_accumulation(0, 2*x) == 2 + x*(x-1) for x in range(1, N >> 1))
Let's convince ourselves that it also works when going through serialization. This needs 'cloudpickle' as opposed to just 'pickle', because we serialize lambda functions (the mapper and reducer).
>>> import cloudpickle as pickle
>>> s = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(t))
>>> all(s.get_accumulation(0, 2*x) == 2 + x*(x-1) for x in range(1, N >> 1))
>>> s[0] = 1
>>> all(s.get_accumulation(0, 2*x) == 1 + x*(x-1) for x in range(1, N >> 1))