Deep Learning
- Most examples use Keras on top of TensorFlow or PyTorch
For the edition of code, we will use Visual Code which is light, efficient, configurable and works on Linux, Windows, Mac ! It comes with Anaconda as well. See
Anaconda install python and Manage environments
Install Anaconda: take the one with python 3 and include the installation of Visual Code which works on Linux, Mac, Windows ! One installed, launch an Anaconda prompt and create your working env nammed 'p37' with Python 3.7 (you can choose another version).
- conda create -n p37 python=3.7
- activate p37
Install every packages with only 'conda install' or with 'pip install' but try to not mix both, specially for basic packages like numpy, matplotlib, etc. The '-c channel' is used to select the source channel of the packages. Standard are 'anaconda' or 'conda-forge'.
- conda install -c anaconda numpy
MatPlotLib, OpenCv, SciPy, SciKit Image, Pillow, PyQt, pygame, etc. (many of then are optional, depending what you want to do)
- conda install -c anaconda numpy pylint jupyter scikit-learn scikit-image pillow pyqt
- conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib opencv
- conda install -c cogsci pygame
- conda install -c menpo dlib or
- pip install cmake
- pip install dlib
Next chose which framework you want to use: TensorFlow with Keras or PyTorch. We recommand PyTorch.
- To install PyTorch use the pip install commands provided in the web site of PyTorch
- pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow or
- pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu
- conda install -c conda-forge keras
Install and configure Visual Code: Open the Command Pallete (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P) and type “Python: Select Interpreter” See here:
#Classify 2D points (x,y).
Start to play with the playground
All examples are in 'src/classifier'. In these examples, the points upper than sin(x) are from class 1 (y>sin(x)), points lower than sin(x) are from class 2 (y<sin(x)).
- just generate the sample batches and draw the points cloud. It is the starting empty program to use to learn to write your own classifier.
- a simple classifier with keras: simple network that can be improve
- more elaborate network, functionnal representation of keras
- more elaborate network, sequential representation of keras
- classifier_image_CNN_keras: Convolution neural network (ConvNet) with keras
- (BEGONIN Florian 11400915 / GRANDJEAN Valentin 11402835) Classification ET génération d'image (une sorte d'auto-encoder sur des images)
L'execution du fichier permet d'entrainer un réseau neuronal convolutif sur la base de données MNIST. Après la phase d'entrainement des réseaux neuronaux il est possible de vérifier les résultats obtenus. Taper 1 dans la console testera le classifier en lui transmettant une image. Le résultat affiché correspond à l'image ayant été choisie dans la base de donnée, son label ainsi que les prédictions du réseau. Taper 2 dans la console testera le réseau inverse en lui demandant de créer une représentation de chaque chiffre puis passera cette image dans le classifier pour valider la reconaissance de chaque image. Taper 3 mettra fin à l'execution du programme.
- classifier_generator_tf_mnist: learn a classifier + a generator of images from the number as input
- GAN learn to generate 2D points (x,y) positionned above sin(x). => does not work yet !
- => test of DLib to get landmarks on faces from photos and video
- cma_test: an simple example of optimization of the function f(x,y) = x^2+y^2 => it finds x=0 and y=0 as minimum
- the mini game. The score of each particles depend on the distance to the target. Action is 2D forces applyed to the particle.
- the continuous mcst algo (it is a really poor implementation of mcts)
- use to compute couple (observation, action), the mcts provides several config, each node of the tree. And train a network to act according to the osbservation.