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Jun Wang edited this page May 29, 2020 · 8 revisions


tag is created on 20200518

This tag is made for ufs-s2s-model prototype 4 with new capabilities of:

  1. Using CCPP gfsphysics
  2. wave coupling of two way to atmosphere, two way to ocean and one way to ice

Major updates (compared to benchmark 3.1):

  • FV3

    • exports water-only fluxes on ocean points to mediator for coupling with ocean
    • Uses Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) gfs physics
    • With option to run two way coupled with wave through roughness on ocean points
    • with Updates for the new surface thermal roughness scheme
    • Lake temperature is updated to climatology in FV3 rather than nearest ocean point
  • MOM6

    • Enable two way ocean-wave coupling, use Langmuir mixing from wave when ocean wave coupling enabled
    • Merge with GFDL dev/master 20200401
    • Fix the restart reproducibility issue
    • Fix thread-unsafe computations of advective tracer flux vertical sums
  • WW3

    • Enable to coupled with atmosphere, ocean, and ice. It can receive 10 meter winds from atmosphere, ocean currents from ocean and ice concentration from ice. It can send surface roughness to atmosphere and stokes shift to ocean
  • CICE5

    • No major changes
  • NEMS

    • Hot fixes from ufs public release v1.0 including documentation, default values in several model configuration variables
  • Regression tests:

    • All the regression tests were changed from IPD gfsphysics to CCPP gfs physics
    • Script test replaced NEMSCompsetRun
    • Two debug tests were added
    • Benchmark tests were updated to march benchmark 4 tests.
    • Regression test was set up on Orion

Note: code was also ported to wcoss phase2 for benchmark 4 test. (see tag s2s_prototyep4.0_phase2)

Benchmark test setting:

  • FV3: C384L64 with CCPP suite file FV3_GFS_v15p2_coupled. input oro_data file is updated with lake fraction and lake depth fields added to identify lake points from ocean.
  • MOM6: ¼ degree tripolar grid, 75 hybrid levels. OM4 MOM6 physics [Adcroft, et al. 2019]
  • CICE5: ¼ degree tripolar grid same as MOM6
  • WW3: ½ degree regular lat/lon grid, current operational WW3 physics.
  • Run sequence:
    MED MedPhase_prep_ocn  
    MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist  
    OCN -> WAV  
    WAV -> OCN :srcMaskValues=1  
      MED MedPhase_prep_ice  
      MED MedPhase_prep_atm  
      MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist  
      MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist  
      WAV -> ATM :srcMaskValues=1  
      ATM -> WAV  
      ICE -> WAV  
      ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist  
      ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist  
      MED MedPhase_atm_ocn_flux  
      MED MedPhase_accum_fast  
    OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist  
    MED MedPhase_write_restart  
  • resources:

Model fast loop time step: 450s, slow loop time step: 1800s

App/Major Component revision:

component repository revision branch/tag
ufs-s2s-model b116b71 tag: s2s_prototyep4.0
fv3 e8fd6ee develop
mom6-interface 65141b6 develop
CICE-SRC 468841a develop
WW3 46bcb86 develop
NEMS e88fd93 develop
FMS 708b8d5 tag: 2019.01
stochastic physics 4b57c7c master
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