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Student Information Security Team Constitution

Article I: Name of Organization

The name of this organization is Student Information Security Team. The organization will use the acronym SIT in publicity materials and correspondence.

Article II: Purpose Statement

The primary purpose of this organization is to expand its members' knowledge of and experience with computer information security issues, and to promote the ethical distribution and application of that knowledge and experience.

Article III: Compliance Statement

Upon approval by the Department of Student Activities and Involvement, Student Information Security Team shall be a registered student organization at the University of Florida. Student Information Security Team shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well as all University of Florida regulations, policies, and procedures. Such compliance includes but is not limited to the University's regulations related to Non-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment (including sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), Hazing, Commercial Activity, and Student Leader Eligibility.

Article IV: University Regulations

Section A. Non-Discrimination

Student Information Security Team agrees that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status as protected under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act.

Section B. Sexual Harassment

Student Information Security Team agrees that it will not engage in any activity that is unwelcome conduct of sexual nature that creates a hostile environment.Behaviors that could create a hostile environment include sexual harassment (which could include inappropriate sexual comments), sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

Section C. Hazing

Student Information Security Team agrees that it will not initiate, support, or encourage any events or situations that recklessly, by design, or intentionally endanger the mental or physical health or safety of a student for any purpose including but not limited to initiation or admission into or affiliation with any student group or organization.

Section D. Responsibility to Report

If this organization becomes aware of any such conduct described in this article, Student Information Security Team will report it immediately to Student Activities and Involvement, the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, or the University's Title IX Coordinator.

Article V: Membership

Membership in this organization is open to all enrolled students at the University of Florida. Non-enrolled students, spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members; however, they may not vote or hold office. All members and associate members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment.

Article VI: Officers

Section A. Officer Positions and Duties

The executive board shall consist of the following elected officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The board may appoint additional officers, as detailed in the bylaws.

The duties of the President include:

  • Supervise, coordinate and exercise executive power over all activities of the organization
  • Call to order and preside over all executive board and general body meetings of the organization
  • Ensure that all officers are performing their duties, as defined in this constitution and any by-laws
  • Create a budget at the beginning of each semester, in conjunction with the Treasurer
  • Be one of two officers with direct access to the bank account. The President will only access the account funds with the approval of the executive board, or in the absence of the Treasurer
  • Maintain communication with the Center for Student Activities and Involvement, to ensure that the organization's information is current and in compliance
  • Maintain communication with the organization's faculty advisor
  • Be responsible for facilitating the resolution of internal organizational conflicts and taking any necessary steps not prohibited by the constitution to ensure the effective operation of the organization
  • Assign additional duties to other officers, as necessary
  • Provide all relevant documents and records to the succeeding President

The duties of the Vice President include:

  • Assist the President in the performance of his/her duties. Assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence or inability
  • Coordinate all trips for conferences and conventions
  • Plan and coordinate all retreats and trainings for officers or the general organization
  • Supervise and assist in the coordination of committees. Maintain communication with the chairperson of each committee
  • Keep an accurate record of officer and general meetings in the absence of the Secretary
  • Be responsible for facilitating the resolution of internal organizational conflicts in which the President has a clear and demonstrated conflict of interest
  • Carry out additional duties as assigned by the President
  • Provide all relevant documents and records to the succeeding Vice President

The duties of the Treasurer include:

  • Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended
  • Create a budget at the beginning of each semester, in conjunction with the President
  • Create a fundraising plan and manage fundraising projects
  • Be one of two officers with direct access to the bank account. The Treasurer will be responsible for managing the bank account.
  • Present the current balance of the bank account at all executive board meetings
  • Determine costs for events, trips, and needed materials. Assist Vice President in budgeting for retreats and conferences
  • Assume the responsibilities of the President in the event of both the President and the Vice President's absence or inability
  • Carry out additional duties as assigned by the President
  • Provide all relevant documents and records to the succeeding Treasurer

The duties of the Secretary include:

  • Maintain accurate records and minutes from all meetings where official action occurs such as elections. Post all minutes as public record, in a way deemed appropriate by the executive board
  • Maintain accurate list of all members, their contact information, and their status as active members
  • Maintain an accurate record of attendance at officer and general meetings
  • Carry out additional duties as assigned by the President
  • Provide all relevant documents and records to the succeeding Secretary

Section B. Removal of Officers

Any elected officer may propose the removal of an officer to the executive board, in the event an officer is failing to fulfill their duties or is willfully acting to the detriment of the organization. An officer will be removed from office by a majority vote of the executive board and the general body, or by a two-thirds vote of the executive board. The general body shall consist of all active student members present at a meeting. The President may appoint an interim officer to serve in the vacated position, until an election may be held.

Section C. Length of Term

The newly elected executive board will take office at a joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming boards, which shall occur no later than the beginning of the Summer semester. Officers will serve until the next such meeting after the following election. This meeting is defined as the installation of new officers.

Article VII: Elections

Section A. Dates of Election

Regular officer elections shall be held in early April. Notice to the general body must be given at least three weeks prior to the date of election, and there must be at least one meeting in the intervening period between the announcement of the election and the election itself. Special elections may be called by the executive board if an elected position has been vacated (through resignation or the removal process), and must be announced at least two weeks prior.

Section B. Eligibility

Individuals holding office must meet the University of Florida's criteria for officers of student organizations.

Section C. Additional Eligibility Criteria

Everyone can run for an officer position, regardless of membership status.

Section D. Nominations

Nominations from any active member shall be taken for each elected position in the following ways:

  • On the floor of a meeting in the intervening period between the announcement of the election and the election itself
  • By correspondence with the Secretary up to the day before the election meeting. The Secretary shall respond to such correspondence to indicate receipt of the nomination
  • On the floor of the elections meeting, immediately preceding voting for the office in question.

Before the election, the Secretary shall verify the active member status of all individuals who have been nominated to run for office.

Section E. Election Procedure

At the meeting during which the election is to take place, the highest-ranking officer of the organization who is not running for office in the current election shall preside over the elections. If all officers are running for office, then the president will designate a member who is not running to preside over the elections. Blank paper shall be provided for the election by the Secretary for use as ballots. Election of officers shall occur in the order which executive board positions are listed in Article VI, Section A, beginning with the Presidency. Candidate speeches, debate, and/or question and answer opportunities will be provided prior to the elections for each office, the format of which shall be decided by the executive board at the time of setting the election date. Only active student members may pose questions or engage in the discussion. After debate, secret ballots shall be submitted by all voting members, except the sitting President, and tabulated by the presiding officer, observed by the Secretary and faculty advisor, if present. Potential officers shall be elected by a majority of votes cast, unless no candidate receives a majority. In this case, an instant runoff election will occur between the candidates who received the greatest number of votes, eliminating the candidate with the least number of votes. In the event of a tie during the runoff or a tie in the first round that would result in more than two candidates making the runoff, the sitting President will break the tie. The Vice President will only vote in the President election in the event of a tie during the runoff or a tie in the first round that would result in more than two candidates making the runoff. Potential officers may slate down to run for a lower office if not elected to the office he/she was initially nominated for. There is no limit on the number of times a candidate may slate down. The Vice President will only vote in the President election in the event of a tie during the runoff or a tie in the first round that would result in more than two candidates making the runoff. If an active member is unable to attend the meeting, they will be eligible to vote through an absentee ballot. The ballot should consist of a unique URI to a form that only the active member can access. The ballot will remain open for a week.

Article VIII: Faculty Advisor

Section A. Eligibility

The faculty advisor shall meet all University of Florida requirements, and be committed to furthering the goals of the Student information Security Team.

Section B. Selection of the Faculty Advisor

The faculty advisor shall be selected by a majority vote of the executive board

Section C. Duties of the Faculty Advisor

  • Provide assistance and guidance to the executive board when requested
  • Attend and oversee officer elections, if he/she is available
  • Perform other duties at the request of the executive board

Section D. Terms

  • The faculty advisor shall serve until he/she resigns or is removed
  • If the advisor is not fulfilling their duties to the satisfaction of the current executive board, the officers shall hold a majority vote to remove the faculty advisor

Article IX: Finance

Section A. Budget

The Treasurer, working with the President, shall create a budget for each semester. The executive board and the active student membership must approve the budget within the first two weeks of each relevant semester. Additional expenditures not included in the semester budget must be approved by a majority vote of the executive board.

Section B. Financial Authority

Only the President and Treasurer will be authorized signers with the organization's financial institution. If issued, charge cards will only be authorized to these two officers. The organization's funds may be spent on activities and supplies as deemed appropriate by the executive board, but shall not be used for anything illegal under University of Florida or government laws and regulations.

Section C. Transition of Financial Authority

The outgoing President and Treasurer are responsible for transferring financial account authority to the incoming President and Treasurer within two weeks of the installation of new officers. Outgoing officers may not maintain any financial authority or account access once they have transferred responsibility to their incoming counterparts.

Section D. Handling of Funds

Funds, obtained through donations or other avenues, may be collected by any elected officer, but must be turned over to the Treasurer or President within 48 business hours. Once received by the Treasurer or President, funds shall be deposited within 48 business hours of collection, absent exceptional circumstances.

Section E. Financial Obligations

Student Information Security Team will not require membership dues. Student Information Security Team will also apply for Student Government funding.

Article X: Dissolution of Organization

Section A. Dissolution

I definitely In the event that this organization dissolves, all monies left in the account, after outstanding debts and claims have been paid, shall be donated to the National Association for Computing Machinery.

Article XI: Meetings

Section A. General Meetings

The general membership of the organization shall meet at least once per month during the fall and spring semesters.

Section B. Officer Meetings

The executive board of the organization shall meet at least once per month during the fall and spring semesters, and at least once during the summer semester. Officer meetings are open to all active student members.

Section C. Calling Meetings

The President is responsible for calling all general and officer meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice President has the authority to call a meeting. The Secretary is responsible for making a good faith effort to inform all members of any meeting. Such notification must be issued at least 72 hours prior to any meeting.

Article XII: Committees

Section A. Formation and Dissolution

Committees may be formed by a vote of the executive board; active student members may propose committees to the board for consideration. The length of existence, procedures, goals, etc of any committee shall be established by the board at the time of the committee's formation.

Section B. Standing Committees

Standing committees must be called at least once each year by a vote of the executive board. These committees will become active when the board calls them to order. The standing committees will consist of the Constitution Committee.

Article XIII: Stipulations Regarding Active Membership

Section A. Ethics Agreement

Members are required to sign an ethics agreement or any new or updated ethics agreements agreed upon by both the officers and faculty adviser. Members must abide by this ethics agreement.

Section B. Attendance

Members must sign in to at least six in-house meetings and at least two additional club sponsored events per academic year. An in-house meeting is defined by the organization's weekly workshops and the Collegiate Cyber Defense Team's meetings. Additional club-sponsored events include (but are not limited to) in person Capture The Flag events, security conferences, and the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.

Article XIV: Amendments

Section A. Proposal Procedure

Amendments may be proposed by the Constitution Committee to the general body, after the Committee and the Executive Board have approved them. Additionally, any active student member may submit proposed amendments to the general body subject to any procedures outlined in bylaws.

Section B. Ratification Procedure

Amendments shall be ratified by a two-thirds vote of active student members present at the meeting. Amendment votes must be announced at least one week prior. The revised Constitution will not take affect until it has been approved by the University of Florida.