- Prerequisities
- Get the sources
- testing the distribution
- Installing the software
- Post installation steps
- Links
Install python >= 2.2.1, and a PostgreSQL or Oracle database. Install pyPgSQL >= 2.2 or DCOracle2.
- Debian packages: python2.2 python2.2-dev python2.2-xmlbase postgresql python2.2-pgsql
- RedHat packages: ???
Create a database instance where cerebrum should be ran, as well as a user which cerebrum should connect as.
Instructions for creating the Oracle users:
CREATE USER cerebrum IDENTIFIED BY somepassword;
GRANT connect, resource, create role TO cerebrum;
CREATE USER cerebrum_user identified BY somepassword;
GRANT connect, resource TO cerebrum_user;
Instructions for creating the PostgreSQL database and user:
createuser cerebrum
createdb -E unicode cerebrum
Make sure that the database user 'cerebrum' has proper access to the new database.
git clone https://utv.uio.no/stash/scm/crb/cerebrum.git
Set PYTHONPATH to point to the directory where you extracted the sources. Edit cereconf.py and set DB_AUTH_DIR, CEREBRUM_DATABASE_CONNECT_DATA['user'], CEREBRUM_DATABASE_NAME and CLASS_DBDRIVER.
Warning: the target datbases cerebrum tables will be dropped and recreated when running this script!
Run make fullcheck
If any of the tests fail on your system, you chould investigate the error before proceeding with the installation.
Enter the directory where you installed the sources, and run:
./configure --prefix=/cerebrum
make install
This will install the Cerebrum python modules into your site-packages directory. A number of other files are placed as documented in the top of setup.py. To install to an alternative location, use the --prefix option to install. If you use --prefix, remember to set PYTHONPATH when running scripts.
Run make bootstrap
to create the required tables.
- cronjobs
- auto starting bofhd
- ?